Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Perang Dunia Ninja ke 4

Perang Dunia ninja ke empat


dimulai dari pihak shinobi, pihak shinobi adalah gabungan dari 5 negara besar ninja ( konoha, suna, kumo, iwa, dan kiri di tambah bantuan dari negara besi) jika dipikir kemampuan serang dari aliansi shinobi in sudah sangat kuat... di dukung dari bebrapa ninja hebat seperti Kakashi, gaara, killer bee, dll.

ini adalah bentuk pembagian kelompok.. pada kemampuan mereka masing masing.. maka di bnetuk bebrapa Divisi.. seperti

1. Divisi Peyergapan
Pemimpinnya adalah kankuro, disini juga ada sai dan omoi dari kumogakure.

2. Divisi Medis
Di divisi ini dipimpin oleh shizune

3. Divisi Interogasi
Di divisi ini di pimpin oleh Inoichi yamanaka, ada juga aoba si pengguna gagak, dan tenga.

4. Divisi Sensor
Divisi ini di pimpin oleh Ao dari kirigakure, dan shi yang berasal dari kumo juga ada di sini.. tapi karin kok kagag ikut ya.. :D

5. gabungan komandan militer shinobi secara umum ada 5 komandan yang masing masing memimpin pasukan mereka. pemimpin dari lima komandan ini adalah gaara.

a. Divisi umum 1. petarung jarak menengah
dipimpin oleh Darui dari kumogakure, di divisi ini juga ada tenten dan choza akimichi, serta juga ada hiashi hyuuga (ayah hinata).

b. Divisi umum 2. Petarung jarak dekat
dipimpin oleh Kitsuchi (ayah Kurotsuchi), di divisi ini ada Kurotsuchi sendiri dari iwagakure, karui dari kumo, huyyga hinata dan neji juga.

c. Divisi umum 3. Petarung jarak menengah/pendek
dipimpi oleh hatake kakashi, ada juga rock lee, sakura, dan maito gai.

d. Divisi umum 4. Petarung jarak jauh
dipimpin oleh gaara, ada temari, shikamaru dan choji juga.

e. Divisi umum 5. Pengguna kemampuan khusus
Dipimpin oleh mifune si pemimpin negara besi, disini ada kiba dan hina inuzuka, ino yamanaka, dam shino aburame.

kayaknya shinobi bakal kuwalahan. karena lawan mereka juga gak kalah hebatnya. bukan hanya zetsu, sasuke, madara, dan kabuto.. tapi juga banyak yang lain.. selain itu kabuto telah membuat zetsu jauh lebih kuat dengan cara tertentu.. mungkin dengan menggabungkan DNA zetsu dengan DNA yamato si mokuton user. kabuto juga menghidupkan kembali beberapa ninja hebat dengan jurus edo tensei

1. Para pendahulu akatsuki
para pendahulu akatsuki seperti kakuzu itachi, deidara, sasori dan nagato. di hidupkan kembali

2. Para jinchuriki yang telah mati
mulai dari yuugito nii, yagura, roushi, han, utakata, dan fuu.. semua yang sudah di segel di hidupkan kembali

3. Para Kage terdahulu
ada kazekage keempat, raikage, dan tsuchikage kayaknya..

3. Beberapa ninja berkemampuan hebat saat mereka masih hidup
seperti asuma sarutobi, nenek chiyo, hanzou, hizhashi hyuuga (ayah neji), dan (kekasih tsunade), kimimaro, haku, zabuza dan banyak shinobi lain..

mungkin gaara akan mlawan ayahnya, asuma lawan shikamaru, dll

Sharingan Eyes

Sharingan adalah suatu jenis khusus kondisi pupil yang secara alami terjadi dalam semua anggota klan Uchiha, meskipun demikian tidak semua dari mereka memperoleh kemampuan untuk menggunakan itu. Itachi mengisyaratkan ada beberapa tujuan gelap akhir di balik Sharingan, yang mana diantara ia dan Sasuke mengetahuinya, tetapi serialnya telah untuk mengungkapkan dengan persis apa tujuan itu. Sharingan mirip dengan Byakugan, tetapi memberikan pemakainya kemampuan berbeda dan pengertian berbeda.
Kemampuan utama yang paling terkenal dari Sharingan adalah untuk menghafal teknik manapun yang pernah disaksikannya. Bisa menghafal ninjutsu, genjutsu, dan taijutsu dengan sempurna, menjadikan pemakainya bisa menggunakan teknik-teknik itu seperti miliknya sendiri. Untuk meniru jutsu (jurus), bagaimanapun, dia harus mempunyai kemampuan atau ketrampilan yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakannya. Contohnya adalah Taijutsu milik Rock Lee. Saat Sasuke bisa meniru sebagian dari gerakan Lee, mereka menempatkan perhatian pada dia karena ia belum pernah melatihnya sekeras Lee. Sebagai tambahan terhadap kemampuan fisik, Sharingan tidak mengijinkan pemakai untuk menggunakan kekkei genkai lain karena pemakai Sharingan tidak memiliki sifat genetik yang sama. Apalagi, para pemakai Sharingan tidak bisa memanggil suatu makhluk yang belum membuat suatu kontrak dengannya.
Sharingan juga memberikan pemakainya kemampuan hebat dalam mempersepsikan sesuatu, membuat mereka dapat melihat objek yang bergerak cepat dengan mudah dan bahkan memperkirakan langkah berikutnya dari objek itu. Kemampuan untuk melihat dan memperkirakan pergerakan sebagian besar berdasarkan pada kemampuan individu, sebab para pemakai yang tidak mahir akan kesulitan untuk melihat objek yang bergerak cepat. Mata Sharingan dapat melihat semuanya kecuali lawan yang paling cepat, sekalipun pemakai tidak bisa bergerak dengan kecepatan yang sama. Kemampuan ini juga cukup hebat untuk menghadapi genjutsu, tergantung dari kemampuan si pemakai, dan kemampuan untuk mengamati pergerakan dan arus chakra, namun tidak sejelas Byakugan. Apalagi, Sharingan memberikan pemakainya kekuatan menganilisis yang luar biasa, membiarkan mereka secara naluri mengambil petunjuk visual dengan mudah.Salah satu contoh, Kakashi harus lebih dulu menutup matanya untuk menghindari secara kebetulan membaca pergerakan bibir Naruto'S saat dia akan membacakan ending salah satu dari buku Icha Icha Paradise milik Kakashi. Sasuke juga mampu untuk mencontek jawaban-jawaban tes orang lain dengan melihat pergerakan pensil mereka sepanjang Ujian Chunin.
Akhirnya, Sharingan mampu untuk menghipnotis yang melibatkan sugesti dan tindakan kepada lawan. Ketika digunakan bersama dengan aspek Sharingan lain, dapat membuat pemakainya dapat meniru tiap-tiap gerakan lawan dengan sempurna, bahkan sebelum mereka melakukannya, membuatnya nampak seolah-olah pemakainya dapat melihat masa depan.
Sharingan tidak secara otomatis muncul dari lahir; malahan, biasanya akan muncul saat pemakai dalam keadaan terancam, di mana kekuatan Sharingan bisa menyelamatkannya. Setelah kemunculan perdana ini, pemakainya kemudian bisa memakai Sharingan kapan saja dia inginkan. (Dalam kaitan dengan ini, Sharingan Kakashi tidak bisa dinonaktifkan, dan dia menutup matanya untuk menghemat chakra.) Kekuatan Sharingan dapat dilihat dengan banyaknya tomoe dalam matanya, dikenal sebagai "segel tomoe". Jarang sekali pemakai Sharingan mempunyai sejumlah tomoe yang berbeda pada setiap mata. Sebagai contoh, Sharingan Sasuke yang pada awalnya mempunyai dua tomoe di salah satu matanya dan satu di mata satunya. Ketika pengaktifan biasa pertamanya, telah meningkatkan menjadi dua tomoe pada setiap mata. Ia meningkatkannya menjadi tiga pada setiap mata selama pertempurannya dengan Naruto di Lembah Akhir. Suatu Sharingan penuh mempunyai tiga tomoe pada setiap mata.
Sangat mungkin untuk mentransplantasi mata Sharingan kepada seseorang, hal ini didasarkan pada Kakashi dan kematian sahabatnya Obito Uchiha. Bagaimanapun, transplantasi mata tidak bekerja dengan baik bila bukan dari klan Uchiha, membuat beban berlebih pada si pemakai, sebagai contoh adalah Kakashi ___ terlalu lama menggunakan Sharingan membuatnya pingsan. Anggota klan Uchiha tidak terbebani dengan kelemahan ini; saat mengaktifkan Sharingan akan mengkonsumsi sejumlah chakra, pengkonsumsian ini sangat kecil sehingga tidak terlalu berarti. Itachi khususnya terlihat tidak bermasalah menjaga Sharingannya tetap aktif terus-menerus.
Karakter yang memiliki Sharingan adalah Sasuke Uchiha, dan Kakashi Hatake. Mata Kakashi diberikan oleh Obito Uchiha, salah satu rekannya di pasukan ninja. Obito tewas dalam pertarungan melawan penyamaran shinobi Batu. Dalam pertempuran ini, Kakashi kehilangan mata kirinya saat diserang. Di akhir pertempuran, salah satu sisi kanan tubuh Obito terhimpit di bawah batu besar, dan hal terakhir yang dilakukannya adalah meminta Rin, seorang ninja medis, untuk mengambil mata kirinya dan menanamkannya ke lubang mata Kakashi, akhirnya Kakashi bisa menggunakan Sharingan walaupun tidak mempunyai darah Uchiha. Inilah sebabnya hanya mata kirinya saja yang mata Sharingan.

Mangekyou Sharingan
Mangekyou Sharingan adalah tingkatan tertinggi Sharingan. Mangekyou Sharingan berbeda dari penampilan Sharingan biasa, Sharingan ini akan mengubah bentuk segel tomoe. Bagaimanapun, tidak seperti Sharingan, ada perbedaan bentuk tomoe untuk setiap pemakainya, versi Kakashi sangat berbeda dengan milik Itachi. Mereka yang mempunyai potensi untuk memperolehnya harus membuat suatu pengorbanan besar untuk memperolehnya — menurut Itachi, mereka harus membunuh sahabat karibnya. Faktanya Itachi mendapatkannya dengan cara ini, tetapi Kakashi semua orang terdekatnya sudah lama mati sebelum serial ini dimulai, jadi bagaiman dia mendapatkan Mangekyou Sharingannya masih belum diketahui. Berdasarkan yang tersirat di komiknya, pemakaian Mangekyou Sharingan membuat penglihatan penggunanya memburuk bahkan buta.
Sepanjang sejarah klan uchiha, hanya beberapa orang yang bisa membangkitkan Mangekyou Sharingan. Saat ini, hanya dua orang yang dapat menggunakan Mangekyou Sharingan, yaitu Itachi dan Kakashi. Menurut Itachi, bila adiknya Sasuke Membangkitkannya, jumlah orang yang bisa menggunakan Mangekyou Sharingan (termasuk dirinya) menjadi tiga orang. Itachi menyatakan bahwa ada pengguna Mangekyou Sharingan lain; bagaimanapun, Itachi menggunakan kata “atsukau” yang dapat berarti “menangani” atau “ditangani”, yang juga bisa berarti bahwa hanya tersisa tiga orang saja yang bisa mendapatkan Mangekyou sharingan. Itachi telah membantai seluruh anggota klan Uchiha, pernyataan ini berdasarkan fakta bahwa Kakashi, Sasuke, dan Itachi yang diketahui hidup dengan mata Sharingan, jadi tidak seorangpun yang berpotensial mendapatkannya. Tetapi ada kenyataan menarik di Chapter 364, ternyata Tobi merupakan salah satu anggota klan Uchiha, dan di Chapter 385, Itachi menyebutkan bahwa saat ini ada satu orang lagi yang bisa menggunakan Mangekyou Sharingan yaitu Uchiha Madara Sang Pendiri Klan Uchiha dan penemu Mangekyou Sharingan Sejati.
Mangekyou Sharingan Itachi
Itachi Uchiha mendapatkan Mangekyou Sharingan dengan membunuh sahabat karibnya, Shisui Uchiha. Dengan Mangekyou Sharingan, Itachi bisa menggunakan dua jutsu terkuat dari klan Uchiha, Tsukiyomi, genjutsu tanpa tanding dan paling efektif, dan Amaterasu, ninjutsu yang dapat membakar semuanya bahkan material terkuat sekalipun.
Mangekyou Sharingan Kakashi
Kakashi Hatake mengembangkan versi Mangekyou Sharingannya menjadi melompati waktu. Tidak seperti versi Itachi, yang digunakan untuk menghancurkan target, Kakashi menggunakannya untuk menciptakan ruang waktu antardimensi, membuatnya mengincar suatu objek dan mengirimnya ke dimensi lain. Kakashi menggunakan jutsu baru ini untuk mengirim tangan kanan Deidara ke dimensi lain. Dia segera bermaksud mengirim kepala Deidara di serangan kedua, tapi meleset. Selain itu dia menggunakannya lagi di Chapter 278 untuk menyerang balik serangan Deidara. Serangan itu membuat Kakashi menghabiskan chakra dengan cepat, dia jatuh pingsan setelah menggunakan teknik itu tiga kali (bila menggunakan Chidori atau Raikiri, dia bisa menggunakannya empat kali dalam sehari).
Bentuk pupil dan tomoe Mangekyou Sharingan Kakashi berbeda dengan Itachi, Kakashi lebih terlihat seperti pinwheel. Sebelum ini muncul, syaratnya adalah membunuh sahabat karibnya sendiri untuk mendapatkan Mangekyou Sharingan. Hal ini tidak berlaku untuk Kakashi, dimana sebelum mendapatkan Mangekyou Sharingan semua orang terdekatnya sudah mati. Orang yang paling dekat dengannya adalah Obito, yang akhirnya mati setelah memberikan mata Sharingan-nya kepada Kakashi. Saat Kakashi merasa bertanggung jawab atas kematian Obito saat itu, dia tentu saja tidak membunuh Obito, dan itu tidak menjelaskan kenapa perlu bertahun-tahun untuk mendapatkan Mangekyou Sharingan.

Inilah daftar mangekyou sharingan yang dimilki oleh klan uchiha/yang punya mata sharingan…

Mangekyou Sharingan Sasuke Uchiha
Mangaekyou Sharingan Madara Eternal
Mangaekyou Sharingan Izuna

Mangekyou Sharingan Madara
Mangekyou Sharingan Kakashi
Mangekyou Sharingan Itachi Uchiha

Uchiha Clan

Sejarah Hitam Klan Uchiha
Sejarah Hitam Klan Uchiha Klan Hyuuga merupakan salah satu daripada Klan paling lama yang mendiami Kampung Konoha. Mereka sudah ada di sana(Konoha Village) semenjak awal penubuhannya. Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang anak gadis dari Klan Hyuuga telah jatuh cinta dengan seorang lelaki pendatang. Gadis tersebut mengambil keputusan utk menikahi lelaki itu meskipun mendapat tentangan dari klannya sendiri. Sebenarnya lelaki itu bukanlah orang biasa. Bahkan lelaki ini bukan manusia sama sekali. Namanya ialah Sojobo. Dia adalah Raja Tengu.
Masuk ke dalam daftar ‘bingo’ yaitu daftar ninja yang harus dibunuh yang memiliki kekuatan lebih. Merupakan kriminal kelas S yang berbahaya dan sangat kuat.
Terdapat dua jenis Tengu. Pertama, Tengu Karasu( makhluk yg mirip seperti gagak serta memiliki paruh dan sayap) dan Kedua, Tengu Konoha ( atau di kenali juga sebagai Tengu Yamabushi). Sojobo ialah Tengu Konoha. Dia memiliki hidung yg panjang dan berambut putih serta sepasang sayap hitam di belakangnya. Sebagai Raja Tengu, Sojobo mempunyai beberapa kekuatan mistik. Dia membawa sejenis kipas yg dibuat dari daun Fatsia yg bisa membangkitkan angin kuat.ia bisa berhubung dengan manusia melalui telepati atau bahkan merasuki jiwa serta menyebabkan mereka menjadi gila. Di samping itu, Sojobo juga mampu bertukar-rupa. Kadang2 dia sering menukar dirinya sebagai manusia utk berhubungan dengan manusia.
Adapun, gadis tersebut telah jatuh cinta kepada Sojobo yg menyamar dalam bentuk manusia tanpa mengetahui identitas sebenarnya. Mereka menikah tidak lama selepas itu. 2 tahun kemudian, gadis itu pun telah hamil dan melahirkan anak lelaki. Sojobo menamakan anak mereka dengan nama Uchiha. Uchiha Madara. Uchiha berarti Kipas dan ini merupakan symbol utk clan Uchiha.
Uchiha Madara membesar menjadi seorang shinobi yg sangat kuat. Dia bukan saja memiliki kuasa warisan dari ibunya bahkan karena darah Tengu di dalam badannya telah menyebabkan Mata Byakugannya telah bertukar bentuk, menjadi lebih kuat. Yaitu Mata Sharingan. Darah warisan yg baru ini ada dua tahap. Sharingan Biasa dan Mangekyou Sharingan. Seperti ayahnya Madara memiliki kuasa mistik yg menakjubkan. Dia mampu mengunakan telepati atau bergerak merentasi dimensi. Mata Sharingan biasa Madara sentiasa aktif sepanjang waktu tanpa perlu mengunakan chakra. Dia juga telah menciptakan 3 jutsu yg istimewa. Tsukiyomi( membuat orang menjadi gila ), Amaterasu ( teknik memindah objek atau orang ke dimensi lain), dan Susanoo ( teknik membuat angin).
Disebabkan keberaniannya dan kekuatan yg diamiliki, Madara menjadi pelindung kampung konoha meskipun dia masih remaja ketika itu. Dia menjadi rekan karib Shodaime. Dan mereka bersama2 bertanggungjawab melindungi kampung Konoha. Madara mendirikan Pasukan Polisi Konoha yg pertama dan berjanji akan melindungi kampung Konoha walaupun harus mempertaruhkan nyawanya sekalipun.
Namun ketenangan itu tidak lama berlangsung, saat Madara menjadi dewasa, Sojobo mulai memunculkan niat sebenarnya. Sojobo menikahi ibu Madara bukan atas dasar cinta. Dia hanya mencari tubuh manusia yg sempurna utk di diami.( Mcm Jutsu Orochimaru). Dia mendapati cara yg terbaik adalah memperolehnya dari darah dagingnya sendiri. Sojobo berniat mengambil tubuh Madara saat dia menjadi dewasa. Madara mengetahui niat ayahnya ini. Dia merasa marah dan terkejut sekali. Dia merasa dirinya diperalat namun dia tidak menyerah begitu saja. Madara sadar bahwa dia tidak setanding dengan ayahnya. Lalu dia pun meminta bantuan dari Bijuu( atau di kenal sebagai Kyuubi) Kyuubi Si Dewa Api.
Kyuubi sangat kagum dengan kekuatan yang di miliki Madara. Satu perjanjian telah di buat dan Kyuubi setuju meminjamkan kekuatannya kepada Madara. Tidak lama kemudian Madara Berjaya dengan menguasai Jurus “ Katon” yg mengeluarkan api gelap yg membakar 7 hari 7 malam jika di aktifkan bersama Amaterasu. Walaupun dengan adanya bantuan dari kekuatan Kyuubi, Madara hanya mampu mengalahkan Sojobo tapi tidak dapat membunuhnya. Madara pun mengurung(Teknik Seal) Sojobo dengan Jurus seal yg istimewa. Untuk membuka seal ini diperlukan Kuasa Kyuubi serta 3 orang ahli Uchiha yg memiliki Mata Mangekyou Sharingan. Tapi Madara tidak menduga akan terjadi peristiwa berdarah karena kejadian ini di kemudian hari .
Shodaime yg mengetahui tentang perjanjian antara Madara dengan Kyuubi menjadi sangat marah. .Shodaime mengira Madara seorang yg haus akan kekuatan sehingga menyebabkan dia membuat perjanjian bersama Kyuubi. Madara tidak menjelaskan kejadian sebenarnya karena dia tidak mau siapapun tahu bahwa dia adalah manusia separuh raksasa. Konflik mulai timbul antara keduanya, sehingga terjadi pertarungan yg hebat di Valley of End. ( Tempat yg sama terjadi pertarungan antara Naruto dan Sasuke nnt).
Setelah sekian lama sejak Sojobo di kurung, darah Tengu dalam keturunan Uchiha sudah tidak seperti dulu. Hanya karna di sebabkan pernikahan antara klan Uchiha dengan non-Uchiha selama beberapa generasi. Bahkan Sharingan biasa pun jarang sekali di temui kecuali pada sebagian kecil golongan elit klan Uchiha saja. Bahkan sejarah hitam klan Uchiha juga telah di lupakan. Sebuah Altar Tengu telah di bina di bawah Kuil Nakano untuk menyimpan rahasia klan Uchiha yg di sembunyikan oleh Madara( termasuk rahasia tentang membunuh org tersayang utk memiliki Mangekyou Sharingan). Rahasia ini telah di ketahui beberapa org dari klan uchiha. Klan Uchiha beranggapan rahasia ini adalah sesuatu yg memalukan dan bersumpah akan melindunginya.
20 tahun lalu, seorang ahli klan Uchiha telah di lahirkan. Dia kemudian membuktikan dia seorang yg istimewa untuk tahap biasa bg Klan Uchiha. Dia lulus akademi ninja pada umur 7 tahun, mampu mengaktifkan sharingan ketika baru berusia 8 tahun, menjadi Chunnin saat berusia 10 tahun dan menjadi Commander pasukan ANBU pada usia 13 tahun. Dia bernama Uchiha Itachi. Semasa Itachi telah terpilih menjadi anggota ahli ANBU, ayahnya Uchiha Fugaku merasa sudah saatnya memberitahu segala rahasia klan uchiha. Itachi mendapati tahu tentang MS serta asal-usul klan Uchiha. Dalam pikiran Itachi timbul niat jahat….
Pada suatu malam, semua lelaki dari klan Uchiha harus berkumpul dlm satu pertemuan penting. Tetapi 2 org tidak hadir yaitu Itachi dan Shisui. Itachi telah mengajak kawan baiknya Shisui ke sungai Nakano dan melakukan niat jahatnya. Dia membunuh Shisui pada malam itu dan memperoleh mata Mangekyou Sharingan. Pada keesokan harinya mayat Shisui di temukan bersama nota yg menyatakan dia telah membunuh dirinya sendiri. Sebenarnya Itachi telah meniru tulisan Shisui untuk mengelabui mata org.
Ketika Itachi mendengar cerita tentang asal-usul keturunan Uchiha.Dia merasakan satu perasaan yg aneh, gembira dan merasa kuat. Itachi berfikir bahwa dia adalah orang yg paling istimewa diantara yg lain. Dia ingin melepaskan Seal Sojobo. Dia rela mengorbankan badannya untuk mendapat kuasa terhebat yg pernah dia lihat.

Umur : 20 tahun (Gugur)
Asal : Konohagakure (Desa Daun)
Tanggal Lahir : 9 Juni
Golongan Darah : AB
Cincin : Merah darah
Posisi Cincin : Jari Manis Kanan
Masuk ke dalam daftar ‘bingo’ yaitu daftar ninja yang harus dibunuh yang memiliki kekuatan lebih. Merupakan kriminal kelas S yang berbahaya dan sangat kuat. Ketika umur 7 tahun lulus akademi, umur 8 tahun menguasai Sharingan, umur 10 lulus ujian chuunin, umur 13 menjadi pemimpin pasukan Anbu, dan pada umur 15 tahun masuk ke sebuah organisasi kriminal bernama Akatsuki.
Di umur 13 tahun, dia membantai seluruh anggota klan Uchiha yang terkenal kuat hanya dalam semalam. Motifnya tidak diketahui, tetapi ia mengatakan untuk mengukur seberapa kuat dirinya. Dia hanya menyisakan adiknya, Uchiha Sasuke. Itachi juga memberitahukan Sasuke untuk menguasai Mangekyou Sharingan dengan cara membunuh sahabat terdekatnya. Itachi sendiri membunuh sahabatnya yang bernama Uchiha Shisui. Orochimaru mengincar dirinya untuk dijadikan inang jiwanya yang baru. Tetapi Orochimaru sadar bahwa Itachi terlalu kuat dan mengganti pilihannya kepada adiknya, Sasuke.
Itachi berpasangan dengan Hoshigaki Kisame dalam mencari bijuu. Dia mendatangi Konohagakure untuk mencari Uzumaki Naruto. Tetapi tidak menemukan Naruto dan pergi setelah mengalahkan para jounin di konohagakure. Lalu dia mengincar Naruto di sebuah kota, tetapi digagalkan oleh Jiraiya dan melarikan diri. Pada saat itu, Itachi sempat bertemu dengan Sasuke. Sasuke yang menyimpan dendam pada Itachi segera menyerangnya dengan menggunakan chidori, tapi berhasil dihentikan Itachi dengan mudah. Itachi yang menyadari bahwa Sasuke belum menguasai Mangekyou Sharingan segera menghajarnya habis-habisan dan bahkan menggunakan jurus Tsukuyomi untuk membuatnya mengulang hari dimana seluruh anggota klannya dibunuh Itachi terus-menerus selama 24 jam. Pada saat itulah Naruto berusaha menyelamatkan sahabatnya dan membuat Kisame lengah. Kesempatan ini segera digunakan Jiraiya untuk menggunakan jurus Nimpou, Gamaguchi Shibari untuk mengurung Itachi dan Kisame. Mereka sempat kewalahan dengan jurus itu, tapi berhasil kabur setelah Itachi menggunakan jurus kedua dari Mangekyou Sharingan, Amaterasu. Sebelum pergi, Itachi memberitahukan Sasuke alasan kenapa Sasuke tidak bisa mengalahkan dirinya, yaitu karena Sasuke tidak memiliki cukup kebencian di dalam hatinya pada Itachi.
Itachi akhirnya bertemu lagi dengan naruto di Part 2 (Shippuden). Mereka bertemu ketika naruto sedang mengejar Deidara yang membawa serta Gaara untuk diambil bijuu dalam dirinya. Naruto bersama nenek chiyo, kakashi dan sakura berniat menghajar Itachi beramai-ramai, namun Naruto terkena genjutsu nya itachi dan masuk ke alam bawah sadar yang menyerang Naruto secara psikologis. Akhirnya Naruto berhasil lepas dari genjutsu dan menyerang Itachi yang ternyata hanyalah sebuah perfect bunshin.
Sekian lama waktu berlalu, Itachi kemudian mengundang Sasuke ke tempat rahasia kediaman Uchiha untuk berduel dengan Sasuke. Itachi menceritakan kebenaran tentang rahasia Klan Uchiha mengenai Mangenkyou Sharingan, yang pertama kali dikuasai oleh Madara Uchiha, pendiri Klan Uchiha. Madara memiliki adik yang sama kuatnya dengan dirinya dan mereka berdua mendapatkan Mangenkyou Sharingan pada saat yang bersamaan, namun Mangenkyou Sharingan dapat berakibat buta bagi pemakaian yang berlebihan, karena tidak mampu melawan kegelapan Mangenkyou Sharingan, Madara kemudian mencabut bola mata adiknya untuk menyembuhkan kebutaan dan menyempurnakan Mangenkyou Sharingan-nya. Dalam sejarah klan Uchiha, setiap anggota klan terus membunuh teman baik untuk mendapat Mangenkyou Sharingan dan mengambil bola mata saudaranya untuk menyempurnakan Mangenkyou Sharingan. Demikian pula dengan Itachi, dia sudah mengincar bola mata Sasuke sejak awal untuk menyempurnakan Mangenkyou Sharingan-nya yang saat ini dihinggapi kegelapan.
Duel Sasuke dengan Itachi pun dimulai dengan pertarungan Genjutsu. Itachi mengeluarkan Tsukuyomi dan membuat ilusi dirinya mencabut keluar bola mata Sasuke, namun Sasuke mampu lepas dari Tsukuyomi dengan kebencian terhadap kakaknya. Sasuke nampak unggul dalam pertarungan Taijutsu. Kemudian dilanjuti dengan pertarungan “Katon-Goukakyou no Jutsu”, Itachi berhasil mengeluarkan Amaterasu untuk melahap api Sasuke dan menyisakan mayat Sasuke dari bagian pinggang keatas, namun ternyata itu merupakan “Replacement Jutsu” yang dipelajari Sasuke dari Orochimaru. Sasuke kemudian menggunakan panas Amaterasu dan “Grand Dragon Fire” untuk menciptakan awan halilintar tepat di atas Itachi. Sasuke mengeluarkan Chidori untuk melancarkan Halilintar Kirin tersebut ke Itachi. Itachi berhasil selamat dengan Susanoo yang didapatkannya setelah mempelajari Amaterasu dan Tsukuyomi. Sasuke terpaksa melepaskan chakra Orochimaru yang keluar dalam bentuk Yamata no Orochi. Namun, Orochimaru dengan mudah disegel Susanoo dengan Pedang Totsuga. Harapan Sasuke yang terakhir pun lenyap. Di depan Itachi, Sasuke hanya dapat berdiri terdiam menatapi jari Itachi mendekati bola matanya. Tanpa diduga, jari Itachi ternyata hanya menyentuh kening Sasuke, seperti yang dilakukannya saat kecil, Itachi kemudian terjatuh di hadapan Sasuke. Pertarungan itu dimenangkan Sasuke. Sasuke terjatuh di samping Itachi dan dibawa pergi oleh Tobi, yang merupakan Madara Uchiha. Kemudian Madara Uchiha mulai menceritakan kebenaran tentang kehidupan Itachi Uchiha, seorang ninja yang merelakan hidupnya demi Dunia Ninja, Konoha, dan adiknya.

Kesehatan Mental

1.    Kesehatan Mental dalam Keluarga

    Banyak keluarga di Indonesia yang belum menyadari pentingnya kesehatan mental di dalam keluarga. Seperti kita ketahui, kesehatan fisik dapat dilakukan dengan menjaga kebersihan diri dan dengan makan makanan bergizi.  Kesehatan mental dalam keluarga sangat penting, terutama pada masa sulit seperti saat  ini. Mental yang tidak sehat bisa disebabkan oleh depresi, bipolar, dan skizophrenia (kepribadian ganda). Keadaan mental yang paling dominan biasanya dipengaruhi karena depresi. Untuk menjaga kesehatan fisik maupun mental dalam keluarga tidaklah harus sulit dan mahal. Dengan menjaga keseimbangan baik secara fisik maupun mental dapat mencegah keluarga dari serangan berbagai macam penyakit serta mampu menyeimbangkan kondisi emosional.
    Dr Dharmady juga menambahkan, untuk menjaga kesehatan secara mental perlu dijalankannya pola pikir yang seimbang. Yakni adanya keselarasan dan keharmonisan antara pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku yang ditimbulkan. ketiga hal ini harus berjalan secara harmonis, sehingga mampu mengekspresikan buah pikirannya dengan produktif. Perlu adanya peran keluarga dalam hal ini orang tua dan lingkungan, untuk menjaga kesehatan mental. Di dalam keluarga perlu dibiasakan untuk berpikir dan berperilaku positif terhadap segala sesuatu. Karena kesehatan fisik tidak akan berarti tanpa kesehatan mental, karena apabila mental terganggu dapat menyebabkan kondisi fisik tidak berjalan maksimal dan selaras.
    Memberi makanan sehat pada mental salah satunya adalah dengan membaca bacaan yang positif yang dapat memberi inspirasi . Sehingga mampu melahirkan ide-ide yang juga digunakan untuk menginspirasi orang lain. Ada keseimbangan antara input dan ouput, agar seseorang ketika menerima informasi berguna, dia juga memberikan hal yang sama. Kondisi lingkungan juga berperan kepada kesehatan mental. Jika lingkungan sekitar rusak dan tidak mendukung, maka akan berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan mental. Jika kondisi lingkungan baik, maka kesehatan mentalnya juga akan baik. Sehingga kembali kepada peran orang tua dalam mengarahkan anaknya agar tidak sekedar ikut-ikutan lingkungan yang rusak tersebut. Untuk kesehatan secara mental, adalah dengan berpikir positif, selaras, dan harmonis. Dengan berpikir positif  dan selaras, seseorang akan mampu berperilaku sehat dan mampu mengelola dan mengatur emosionalnya.

Untuk memiliki dan menjaga kesehatan mental di dalam keluarga, perlu adanya sikap terbuka dengan menjalain komunikasi yang baik antara anak, orang tua dan lingkungan, sehingga terbina hubungan yang positif dan harmonis.
    Ingatlah keluarga adalah tempat pertama seseorang mempelajari kehidupan, apapun yang ada dan terjadi dalam keluarga akan dan pasti akan mempengaruhi perkembangan diri dan kesehatan mental seseorang. Untuk membentuk kesehatan mental yang baik, ternyata sarana utamanya, terdapat pada keluarga terutama dari sifat ayah dan ibunya. Karena keluarga merupakan unit sosial terkecil yang memberikan fondasi primer bagi perkembangan anak. Pola Tingkah Laku (TL), pikiran dan cara mengekpresikan diri pada ayah dan ibu dapat mencetak pola yang hampir sama pada anggota-anggopta keluarga lainnya. Maka interaksi didalam keluarga sangat besar pengaruhnya pada proses pembentukan TL, dan sikap anggota keluarga terutama bagi anak-anak. Jika ayah dan ibu agresif mudah marah, otoriter, egoisme, dan mau menang sendiri , tidak mau menghargai pendapat orang lain, maka sikap ini akan merangsang kemunculan reaksi-reaksi emosional yang implusif dan eksplosif. Maka Anak-anak akan meledak-ledak pula. Bahkan bagi anak-anak tertentu akan diekspresikan berupa agresivitas tetapi ada juga yang ditekan/ditahan kedalam diri sehingga anak terlihat seperti gejala depresi (tertekan). Inilah yang mengindikasikan adanya ketidaksehatan mental pada anak-anak. Kehidupan keluarga memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk kepribadian anak untuk menggapai keseimbangan batin dan sehat mental. Bila seseorang seringkali menemui jalan buntu dan tidak mampu memecahkan kesulitannya, dia akan mengalami ketegangan dan konflik batin. Dalam jangka panjang. Bila tidak disalurkan, akan menimbulkan macam-macam bentuk gannguan mental, baik ringan maupun berat.

2. Kesehatan Mental di Sekolah

    Di sekolah merupakan sebagian besar waktu keberadaan anak-anak. Kesulitan dalam hampir semua masalah hidup seringkali dimanifestasikan sebagai masalah-masalah sekolah.
    Masalah-masalah sekolah kemungkinan hasil dari pemberontakan dan suatu keinginan untuk bebas. Sangat jarang, disebabkan gangguan kesehatan jiwa, seperti kegelisahan atau depresi. Penggunaan zat-zat, kekerasan dan konflik keluarga juga menjadi penyebab umum masalah-masalah sekolah. Kadangkala, penempatan akademis yang tidak sesuai-terutama sekali yang mengalami ketidakmampuan belajar atau keterlambatan mental ringan yang tidak segera diketahui di dalam hidup-menyebabkan masalah-masalah sekolah. Umumnya masalah-masalah sekolah yang signifikan harus menjalani tes pengetahuan dan evaluasi kesehatan mental. Masalah-masalah yang khusus diobati bila diperlukan, dan dukungan umum dan dorongan dilakukan.
    Masalah-masalah yang mulai terjadi di lingkungan anak-anak, seperti kurang perhatian/gangguan hiperaktif (ADHD) dan gangguan belajar, bisa berlanjut untuk menyebabkan masalah-masalah sekolah pada remaja. Antara 1 % - 5 % anak mengalami ketakutan memasuki sekolah. Ketakutan ini kemungkinan sama rata atau berhubungan dengan orang tertentu (seorang guru atau pelajar lain) atau peristiwa di sekolah (seperti kelas pengetahuan fisik). Anak bisa mengalami gejala-gejala fisik, seperti sakit perut, atau bisa sederhana menolak pergi ke sekolah. Personil sekolah dan anggota keluarga harus mengidentifikasi alasannya, jika banyak, untuk rasa takut dan mendorong remaja tersebut untuk masuk sekolah.
     Pelajar yang sering bolos atau keluar dari sekolah telah menyadari keputusannya untuk menghindari sekolah. Anak yang seperti ini Biasanya mencapai akademis yang minim dan memiliki sedikit kesuksesan atau kepuasan dari kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan sekolah. Mereka seringkali terlibat dengan tingkah laku yang beresiko tinggi, seperti melakukan seks yang tidak aman, menggunakan obat-obatan, dan terlibat dalam keributan. Pelajar dengan resiko keluar dari sekolah harus diberi perhatian pada pilihan pendidikan yang lainnya, seperti pelatihan kejuruan dan prgogram alternatif lainnya

3.    Kesehatan Mental di Tempat Kerja

    Bekerja dengan tubuh dan lingkungan yang sehat, aman serta nyaman merupakan hal yang di inginkan oleh semua pekerja. Lingkungan fisik tempat kerja dan lingkungan organisasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam mempengaruhi sosial,mental dan phisik dalam kehidupan pekerja. Kesehatan suatu lingkungan tempat kerja dapat memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap kesehatan pekerja, seperti peningkatan moral pekerja, penurunan absensi dan peningkatan produktifitas. Sebaliknya tempat kerja yang kurang sehat atau tidak sehat (sering terpapar zat yang bahaya mempengaruhi kesehatan) dapat meningkatkan angka kesakitan dan kecelakaan, rendahnya kualitas kesehatan pekerja, meningkatnya biaya kesehatan dan banyak lagi dampak negatif lainnya.
Apabila seorang mengalami stress yang tinggi atau terganggu kesehatan mentalnya, dapat menyebabkan :
a.    Stres yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan resiko serangan jantung.
b.    Kemungkinan besar akan terserang sakit punggung.
c.    Dan sebagian lain dapat nenyebabkan depresi

Oleh sebab itu, Untuk menghindari terjadinya gangguan mental di tempat kerja, dapat dilakukan upaya-upaya sebagai berikut :
a.    Mempromosikan kesehatan mental dan kesejahteraan seluruh staf.
Tujuan Promosi Kesehatan Di Tempat Kerja adalah :
•    Mengembangkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di tempat kerja.
•    Menurunkan angka absensi tenaga kerja.
•    Menurunkan angka penyakit akibat kerja dan lingkungan kerja.
•    Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang sehat, medukung dan aman.
•    Membantu berkembangnya gaya kerja dan gaya hidup yang sehat.
•    Memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap lingkungan kerja dan masayarakat.
Dengan adanya promosi kesehatan mental di tempat kerja, maka akan terjadi,
•    Lingkungan tempat kerja menjadi lebih sehat
•    Meningkatnya percaya diri
•    Menurunnya stress
•    Meningkatnya semangat kerja
•    Meningkatnya kemampuan
•    Meningkatnya kesehatan.
•    Lebih sehatnya keluarga dan masyarakat
b.    Mengambil pendekatan organisasi untuk kesehatan mental
Dengan melakukan pendekatan organisasi, maka
1.    Anda dapat melakukan penilaian resiko dan melaksanakan suatu rencana tindakan untuk untuk mengatasi prioritas. Sehingga konsentrasi dalam melakukan pekerjaan tidak akan terganggu akibat stress.
2.    Dapat melaksanakan kebijakan kesehatan mental, untuk menunjukkan organisasi untuk kesehatan mental.

    Pada umumnya kesehatan tenaga pekerja sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan ekonomi dan pembangunan nasional. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada negara-negara yang sudah maju. Secara umum bahwa kesehatan dan lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi pembangunan ekonomi. Dimana industrilisasi banyak memberikan dampak positif terhadap kesehatan, seperti meningkatnya penghasilan pekerja, kondisi tempat tinggal yang lebih baik dan meningkatkan pelayanan, tetapi kegiatan industrilisasi juga memberikan dampak yang tidak baik juga terhadap kesehatan di tempat kerja dan masyarakat pada umumnya.

Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Gelar Pementasan Drama “Akal Calak”

Kabar gembira bagi para pecinta seni teater di Sumatera Selatan, khususnya Kota Palembang. Pasalnya, pada 31 Mei 2011 hingga 1 Juni 2011, mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah angkatan 2008 akan mengadakan pementasan drama. Sebuah karya berjudul “Akal Calak” adaptasi naskah Akal Bulus Scapin karya Moelier akan memeriahkan panggung teater Graha Budaya Jakabaring.
Pementasan dalam rangka aplikasi mata kuliah Perencanaan Pementasan Drama (PPD) itu disutradarai oleh Ahmad Rizki Turama dan pimpinan produksi Furry Eka Meidawati. Rencananya, pementasan tersebut akan dihadiri pihak rektorat, dekanat, civitas akademika, mahasiswa, guru, pelajar, serta masyarakat Palembang pada umumnya.
Ditemui di sela-sela latihan vokal di Gedung Teater Unsri pada Kamis (26/5), Rizki mengaku bahwa ia dan tim artistik telah mempersiapkan pementasan ini dengan maksimal. “Kita sudah melakukan latihan intensif. Sejauh ini, persiapan sudah 80 %.” Ujar Rizki.
Tidak jauh berbeda dengan tim artistik, tim managerial yang dimotori Furry mengaku juga telah menjalankan peran tim managerial dalam pementasan tersebut. “Untuk tim managerial, masing-masing sudah bergerak sesuai dengan job’s descrioption.” Jelas Furry.
Di tempat terpisah, Dr. Didi Suhendi, M.Hum dan Izzah, S.Pd.,M.Pd. selaku dosen pengasuh mata kuliah menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia angkatan 2008. “Ya, sejauh ini tidak ada kendala berarti. Tim managerial dan artistik sudah bekerja sesuai dengan porsi masing-masing dan kelihatannya mereka kompak. Saya berharap, pementasan ini sukses.” Harap Izzah.

Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Sejarah berdirinya fakultas ini dimulai dengan didirikannya kursus B-1 Bahasa Inggris Negeri Palembang pada tanggal 1 Oktober 1958. Pada tanggal 7 Juli 1960 Panitia Persiapan Pendirian FKIP Palembang (Swasta) dibentuk dengan Ketua R.A. Rani (Kepala Perwakilan Departemen PPK Sumatera Selatan). Pada tanggal 13 Juni 1961 FKIP Swasta yang berhasil terbentuk oleh panitia ini dinegerikan oleh menteri PTIP dengan SK Nomor 6/1961 dan digabungkan ke dalam Universitas Sriwijaya menjadi FKIP Unsri dengan tiga jurusan, yaitu Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia serta Ekonomi dan Hukum.
Jurusan Bahasa Inggris merupakan hasil pengintergrasian Kursus B-1 Bahasa Inggris Negeri Palembang pada tanggal 5 Juli 1961. Kemudian dua jurusan lagi, yakni Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan dan Jurusan Pasti Alam dibuka tanggal 1 Agustus 1961.
Perkembangan selanjutnya adalah terjadinya "keluar masuknya" FKIP di lingkungan Unsri sebagai pengaruh perubahan kebijaksanaan nasional. Pada tanggal 3 Mei 1961 terbit SK Bersama Menteri PTIP dan Menteri PDK tentang penyatuan FKIP, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP), dan Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG). SK bersama tersebut mengatur pembentukan Institus Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) induk, yaitu: IKIP Bandung, IKIP Jakarta, IKIP Yogyakarta dan IKIP Malang. Berdasarkan SK Bersama itu FKIP Unsri menjadi bagian dari IKIP Bandung dan disebut sebagai IKIP Bandung Cabang Palembang, yang terdiri dari  empat fakultas: Fakultas Keguruan sastra dan Seni (FKSS), Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Sosial (FKIS), Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Eksakta (FKIE) dan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP), yang masing-masing dipimpin oleh seorang Dekan Muda. IKIP Bandung Cabang Palembang dipimpin oleh Seorang Dekan Koordinator yang dibantu oleh Pembantu Dekan I, Pembantu Dekan II, dan Pembantu Dekan III.
Tanggal 1 April 1966 IKIP Bandung Cabang Palembang diambil alih oleh Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa (KAMI) yang selanjutnya diserahkan kembali kepada Unsri pada tanggal 8 Agustus 1966. Kepemimpinan dilaksanakan oleh caretaker, yang dipimpin oleh Drs. Usman Gani, yang pada tanggal 1 September 1966 ditunjuk menjadi Dekan Koordinator. Dengan SK Dirjen Dikti, terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Januari 1969 IKIP Bandung Cabang Palembang berintergrasi kembali ke dalam Unsri menjadi dua fakultas, yaitu Fakultas Keguruan (FKg) dan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP). Akhirnya, terhitung mulai tahun akademik 1983/1984, kedua fakultas itu bergabung kembali menjadi FKIP.

Ss501 Love Ya lyrics

[Hyungjun] Yeah, huh
Here we go once again
Guess who's back, let's go
This one is all about you
I really hate you but I love you
So what can I do?
Now listen

[All] Neoreul bomyeon apa, sumi neomu gappa, ije nae sonjaba
[Hyungjun] Geu sarameun neoreul saranghaji eanhneunde wae?
[Hyunjoong] Why don't you get it?
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

[All] Nae jeonbureul georeo, I jumuneun georeo, we can be so perfect
[Jungmin] Sesangmodu jeokidwindahaedo naneun andwae
[Youngsaeng] Neo animyeon andwae
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

[Kyujong] Oneureun yeotaekkeot gidaryeosseo
Mianhae ganjeolhi baraewasseo
Nal bitgyeogattdeon ni uraen sarangi janinhage kkeulnagireul
[Youngsaeng] Geusaram ijeo, ijen jiweobeoryeo
Eochapi neohaguneun eoolriji anhaneungeol
[Hyungjun] So baby wont you come to me
I'll make you make you happy

[All] Neoreul bomyeon apa, sumi neomu gapen, ijen naesun japa
[Hyungjun] Geu sarameun neoreul saranghajieanhneunde wae?
[Hyunjoong] Why don't you get it?
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

[All] Nae jeonbureul georeo, I jumuneun georeo, we can be so perfect
[Jungmin] Sesangmodu jeokidwindahaedo naneun andwae
[Youngsaeng] Neo animyeon andwae
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya
[ Lyrics from: ]
[Jungmin] Cheoeumen haengbokhagil baraesseo
Geude birok geusaram yeopeseorado
Mideosseoseo. Na eopsi haengbokhadamyeon, geugeolro chungbunhaesseo
[Hyunjoong] Hajiman, neoui nunmol ipuyeo. Neoui seulpeumi boryeo
Amuri chamabwado andwae ijen jichyeo michyeo
[Youngsaeng] I cannot let it go, I gotta take you
Ije uri unmyeongingeol yeah

[All] Neoreul bomyeon apa, sumi neomu gapen, ijen naesun japa
[Hyungjun] Geu sarameun neoreul saranghajieanhneunde wae?
[Hyunjoong] Why don't you get it?
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

[All] Nae jeonbureul georeo, I jumuneun georeo, we can be so perfect
[Jungmin] Sesangmodu jeokidwindahaedo naneun andwae
[Youngsaeng] Neo animyeon andwae
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

[Hyunjoong] Eotteohke neon moreuneunde? Hapil geu saraminde?
Neoui apeun sarangddawin nan bolsueoptneunde
[Kyujong] Ijteo, ni kaseum myeondeulgehaneun geureon nappeunsarang
Ijen jipeochyeo please! Apeun neoreul guhagesseo
[Hyungjun] Geoule bichin neoui nunmuli sorieopsi, euimodoeopsi heureulddae
Naegaseumeun wanjeonhi jjiteojineungeol, I can cross over the sea
[Kyujong] Nareul mideojwi, haneule maengsehalge
Urin majimak sarangi dwiltenikka yeah

[Jungmin] Neoreul bomyeon apa
[Kyujong] Sumi neomu gapa
[All] I simjangi apa
[Hyungjun] Geu sarameun neoreul saranghajianhaneunde wae?
[Hyunjoong] Why don't you get it?
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya

[All] Nae jeonbureul georeo, I jumuneul georeo, we can be so perfect
[Jungmin] Sesangmodu jeokidwindahaedo naneun andwae
[Youngsaeng] Neo animyeon andwae
[All] Baby let me
Love ya, love ya, love ya
[Youngsaeng] Let me love you baby!

[Hyungjun] Andwae,
Neoeopsin... yeah yeah

Meaning Of Love Ya...


* It hurts when I look at you, I fall short of breath, now hold my hand
Why, when that person does not love you?

Risking my everything, I cast this spell, ‘WE CAN BE SO PERFECT’
Even if the world becomes my enemy It can’t be
It can’t be anyone but you

I’ve been waiting all this while
Sorry I’ve been sincerely desiring for
your long-time relationship, that pushed me aside, to cruelly end
Forget that person, now erase him
He was not a good match for you anyway


At first I wished for your happiness
Even if it was by that person’s side I believed that if you were happy without me, that was enough
But I see your tears. I see your sadness.
I try to hold back but it’s no use. Now I’m worn out, crazy
This is our destiny YEAH


Why don’t you know? Why is it that person of all people?
Your painful love, I can’t bear to see it
Forget that bad love that bruised your heart
Now forget it PLEASE! I will save you, who is in pain
When your tears that are reflected in the mirror flow without a sound, without any meaning
My heart becomes completed ripped apart, I CAN CROSS OVER THE SEA
Please believe me, I’ll call the heavens as my witness
We will be our final love YEAH

It hurts when I see you.
I fall short of breath.
My heart hurts
Why, when that person doesn’t love you?

Risking my everything, I cast this spell, ‘WE CAN BE SO PERFECT’
Even if the world becomes my enemy It can’t be
It can’t be anyone but you BABY LET ME

It can’t be,
It can’t be,
Without you… 

Ss501 Deja Vu lyrics

This is more than the present... Double S...
1, 2, 3 Let's go!

Nunpich'e (Dibidibidibi dipdip) nal seuch'ineun (Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Kanghan neunkkim (Dibidibidibi dipdip) sigani meomch'un deut han kibun
Keu hyanggi (Dibidibidibi dipdip) keu momchit (Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Teo kakkai (Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Na''seon neol put'chapgo sip'eo

Moteunge keudael hyanghae seolmyeonghal su eoptneun kieok
SOMBODY THERE (Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Kkumkkudeut keudae nugukji molla nohch'il sun eopseo
YOU TOUCHED ME BABE (Dibidibidibi dipdip)

I know who you are...
(I got you in my heart... ! )

Mich'in teut twineun kaseum unmyeongch'eoreom
Iruji mothaettdeon ap'eun sarangch'eoreom
Eodieseonga pon deunthan neoeui tu nune pich'in nae moseup
T'eojil teut han kaseum unmyeongch'eoreom
Al su eoptneun kkueulrim neol nohch'ji anha (Hey Girl! )
Ojik neomaneum weonhaneun neoeui tu nune pich'in ni moseup
(It's all right... ! )

Yo (yeye, yeah) It's Double S... 501! Listen up! Everbody listen... Let's Go! Let's... C'mon!
[ Lyrics from: ]
Keojitmalch'eoreom BREAKING THE SCENE
Cheo kkaejin p'eocheulch'eoreom it's IT'S GONNA BE SOMETHING SPARKIN'
(Dibidibidibi dip Dibidibidibi dip)
Keojitmalch'eoreom BREAKING THE SCENE (Breaking the scene, Oh yeah)
Cheo kkaejin p'eocheulch'eoreom...
Keojitmalch'eoreom BREAKING THE SCENE (Dibidibidibi dipdip)

KEOT! DEO.BUL.E.SEU... Let's Go!
(Cut! Double S... Let's Go! )

Nunbusin (Dibidibidibi dipdip) pulkko''ch'eoreom (Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Kanghan cheonyul (Dibidibidibi dipdip) sigani meomch'un deut han kibun
Ne songil (Dibidibidibi dipdip) neo-eui miso (Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Keoch'in heungbun (Dibidibidibi dipdip) na''seon neol put'chapgo si'peo

Dashineun oji anheul songan huhil hal son eopseo
SOMEBODY THERE (Dibidibidibi dipdip Dibidibidibi dipdip)
Keudae hoksirado mangseorigo ittdamyeon naege
YOU TOUCHED ME BABE (Dibidibidibi dipdip)

(I got you in my heart... ! )
Mich'in teut twineun kaseum unmyeongch'eoreom
Iruji mothaettdeon ap'eun sarangch'eoreom (Baby one more time! )
Eodieseonga pon deunthan neoeui tu nune pich'in nae moseup (nae moseup...)
T'eojil teut han kaseum unmyeongch'eoreom
Al su eoptneun kkueulrim neol nohch'ji anha (nal eochin su nan eopseo)
Ojik neomaneum weonhaneun neoeui tu nune pich'in ni moseup (nae moseup)

T'eojil teut han kaseum unmyeongch'eoreom (All right all right all right, yeah...)
Al su eoptneun kkueulrim neol nohch'ji anha (In my eyes...)
Ojik neomaneum weonhaneun
Cheortae meomch'uji anhneun DEJABYU

SS501 - Deja Vu Translation (English)

The strong feeling
That passes my eyes
The feeling that time has stopped
I want to hold you the stranger
Everything towards you
The memories i can’t explain
Somebody there
Like a dream
I don’t know who you are
But i can’t let you get away
You touched me baby

My crazily beating heartbeat
Like fate
Like the painful love i couldn’t attain
In your eyes
I feel like i’ve seen
Myself somewhere
My heart thats about to burst like fate
The attraction i don’t know
I’m not going to lose you
It is you i see
Reflected in my eyes
Is the me who only wants you
(Yo yeah yeah)
(Yeah it’s SS501)
(Listen up)
(Everybody listen)
(Let’s go)
(Let’s come on)
(Like a lie)
(Break under scene)
(Like the broken puzzle)
(It’s gonna be)
(something spark)
(like a lie)
(Break under scene)
(Break under scene)
(Oh yeah)
(Like the broken puzzle)
(like a lie)
(Break under scene)
(It’s gonna be)
(something spark)
(Cut double S)
(Let’s go)
Like a flame that blinds the eyes
A strong shudder
A feeling like time has stopped
Your gestures your smile
A passing excitement
I want to hold onto you the stranger
I can’t regret
The moment that won’t come back (**don’t want to miss the chance)
(Somebody there)
If maybe you are
Hesitating to me
You touched me baby
My crazily beating heartbeat
Like fate
Like the painful love i couldn’t attain
(Baby one more time)
In your eyes
I feel like i’ve seen
Myself somewhere
My heart thats about to burst like fate
The attraction i don’t know
I’m not going to lose you
It is you i see
Reflected in my eyes
Is the me who only wants you
The never ending
Dibidibidibi dipdip Dibidibidibi dipdip Dibidibidibi dipdip

Double S... !


Pria Ini Miliki Kulit Seperti Jeruk

Foto : Manusia berkulit jeruk (
Foto : Manusia berkulit jeruk (
BEIJING - Kasus penyakit aneh ditemukan di China. Seorang pria berusia 51 tahun, mengidap penyakit aneh yang menyebabkan tangan dan kakinya membengkak serta kulitnya bertekstur seperti kulit jeruk.

Gejala yang dialami Yang Bing merupakan gejala penyakit ekstrim dan merupakan contoh kuno dari pretibial myxedema sebuah komplikasi yang langka dari Grave Disease (penyakit internal). Dia telah terdiagnosa menyidap Grave Disease 6 tahun yang lalu dan saat ini sedang dirawat.

Meskipun sedang mengalami perawatan, Yang mengeluh karena obat-obatan yang diberikan kepadanya sama sekali tak meringankan penyakitnya.

"Tanganku bengkak dan mengeras dan aku tidak bisa melakukan apa apa dengan tanganku, bahkan mengepalkannya. Dan akupun harus memakai sandal yang besar dan memotong ujungnya dengan gunting agar kakiku bisa masuk," menurut Yang seperti dikutip Orange, Senin, (16/5/2011).

Yang pun dilarikan ke rumah sakit Xin Qiao di Chongqing untuk mendapatkan perawatan lebih lanjut. Meskipun Dokter pun berusaha terus, untuk menyembuhkan penyakit aneh yang diidap Yang Bing ini.
Sumber :

Inazuma Eleven

Inazuma Eleven (イナズマイレブン Inazuma Irebun?, "Lightning Eleven") is a role-playing and sports video game for the Nintendo DS developed and published by Level-5. It was released on August 22, 2008 in Japan. A European release was confirmed by Nintendo and was released on January 29, 2011, three years after the Japanese release.
Since the game's launch, it has received two sequels for the Nintendo DS, including Inazuma Eleven 2 Kyoui no Shinryakusha, as well as a spin-off for the Wii. An Inazuma Eleven manga based on the game began serialization in CoroCoro Comic on May 15, 2008, while an anime based on the game produced by OLM started airing on August 22, 2008. Mitsui has also created a collectible card game tie-inThe game served as the debut of a pop idol group, Twe'lv.


The main character, Mamoru Endou (Mark Evans in the European version), is a very talented goalkeeper and the grandson of one of the strongest goalkeepers in Japan, who supposedly died before Mamoru was born. Even though his skills and enthusiasm are incredible, his school lacks a real soccer club, as the six other members don't appear very interested even in training. One day, when a mysterious forward named Gouenji (Axel Blaze in the European version) moves to Endou's town, the young goalkeeper sets out to find and recruit members for his soccer team. There are nearly 1000 playable characters with varying skills that will determine the success of the team. As you play through the story, Endou can recruit various characters on the team and help achieve his ultimate goal of competing in the Football Frontier tournament!


The game is split into two parts: one resembles a RPG, featuring various locations that Endou and his team have to explore in order to get new items, face several other players in short casual battles or to advance further in the story. The second part is the actual match: using the stylus, the player moves the soccer team around against the opposing team. The player can dodge opponent's attacks, slide-tackle to take the ball away, or use a special ability available to the characters they recruited to kick, steal and catch the ball. The result of any of his players actions are determined by seven skills, the player's affinity, and the total number of players participating in an action. Special abilities can not only be stopped with other abilities, meaning that they will most of the time win against basic tactics but not always. Super shots and Super keeps play simultaneously, which means that unlike defending the ball they always consume the Ability bar and at the beginning are determined by the player's affinity only.

  • Mamoru Endō (Mark Evans) [Captain of Inazuma Japan and Raimon Eleven] (Goalkeeper, Libero) - Often seen wearing his trademark headband, Mamoru Endou is as a soccer loving, cheerful goalkeeper and captain of the Raimon Junior High Soccer club, the "Raimon Eleven". He never gives up and always thinks of others before himself. Since he was young, he's held great admiration toward his grandfather, Daisuke Endou, and studies the technique-filled notebooks that his grandfather wrote years ago. Because of his positive personality, he manages to bring out the best in other Soccer players, whether they're an ally or foe. His teammates benefit from his mental strength and encouragement and respect him despite his carefree attitude. Endou constantly trains himself in order to face new opponents and increases his stamina by catching a gigantic car tire tied to a tree. Many girls like Aki and Natsumi show some romantic interest with him but he is too naive to understand their feelings. He helps Little Gigant, as Garshield returns with a new team. His special techniques include God Hand which later evoles into Shin God Hand(True God Hand) , Nekketsu Punch (Fireball Knuckle) which later evoles into Shin Nekketsu Punch(True Fireball Knuckle) in the match against Team-K, Bakuretsu Punch (Blazing Knuckle), Inazuma Ichigo (Inazuma-1), Inazuma Ichi-Go Otoshi (Inazuma-1 Drop), Inazuma Break, Tri-Pegasus, The Phoenix, Majin the Hand, Seigi no Tekken (Fist of Justice), Megaton Head (which is now Megaton Head G3), Death Zone 2, The Earth with Goenji and Fubuki, Ikari no Tetsui (Hammer of Wrath), ljigen the Hand (Outer Dimension The Hand) which evolves into ljigen the Hand Kai (Ijigen the Hand Remastered) which later evolves into Shin Ijigen The Hand (True ljigen The Hand) and later learns God Catch [which is now G5] in the match against Little Gigante. He does Jet Stream with Gouenji and Toramaru, scoring the winning point against Little Gigante. In the Inazuma Eleven movie he can use Omega The Hand. He graduates from Raimon after FFI. In future episodes [of Inazuma Eleven GO] he will replace Kudou as the coach of Raimon Eleven in Inazuma Eleven GO which takes place 10 years after the events of FFI.He has a character song named "Mamotte Miseru!" (I'll Protect It!). He is voiced by Junko Takeuchi.
  • Shūya Gōenji (豪炎寺 修也?) (Axel Blaze) (Forward) - Gouenji is the quiet, collected ace striker of the team with spikey hair and a cool disposition. At his previous school, Kirkwood Junior High, Gouenji was the top Soccer player of his club and took place in the Football Frontier. His little sister, Yūka, was unfortunately in a car accident while on the way to his big match and was hospitalized soon after. Feeling responsible, he keeps an amulet made by his sister and makes a promise to stop playing soccer until she wakes up. However, when he realizes that his passion for the game still beats in his heart, he changes that promise to becoming the champion of the Soccer Frontier and joins the Raimon Eleven thanks to some persistence by Endou. He becomes close friends with Endou and the team as the story progresses. His special techniques are the Fire Tornado which later evolves into Fire Tornado Kai(Fire Tornado Remastered), Bakunetsu Storm (Fireball Storm), and then Shin Bakunetsu Screw (True Fireball Screw). He also forms a combo technique with Kabeyama called Inazuma Otoshi (Inazuma Drop), one with Endou called Inazuma Ichigo (Inazuma-1) and a combination of the two called the Inazuma Ichigo Otoshi (Inazuma-1 Drop). Additionally, he performs a combination technique with Toramaru called Tiger Storm, another technique with Fubuki Shirou called Cross Fire, and has a 3-man technique with Toramaru and Hiroto called Grand Fire [which is currently G2]. He does Jet Stream with Endou and Toramaru, scoring the winning point against Little Gigante. In the Inazuma Eleven movie, he can use Maximum Fire . He graduates from Raimon after FFI. He saved Matsukaze Tenma from injury some time in between after leaving the team [since he kept on messing up against Gemini Storm] and before his return [to fight and eventually win against Epsilon] in the Aliea Academy arc, as revealed in the first episode of Inazuma Eleven GO. However, it seems that he is going to be an antagonist in the sequel, going by the name of "The Holy Emperor". He has a character song named "Honoo no Riyuu" (The Reason for Flames). He is voiced by Hirofumi Nojima.
  • Yūto Kidō (鬼道 有人?) (Jude Sharp) (Midfielder) - A genius Soccer strategist who wears goggles and a red cape, originally from Teikoku (Royal) Academy Junior High School. As the protege of Reiji Kageyama, he was forced to win 3 consecutive soccer championships in order to be with his sister again and until then, cuts off all contact with her for 6 years. After a match with the Raimon Eleven to see who will compete in the Footbal Frontier and seeing Kageyama's wrongdoings, he and the rest of the Teikoku Soccer Team quit. Kidou later joins Endou's team, switching to a new blue cape and becomes the team's valuable strategist. His special technique is the Illusion Ball (later evolved into True Illusion Ball). His Combination techniques are the Inazuma Break with Endou and Gouenji, Koutei Penquin No.2 (Emperor Penguin No.2), Twin Boost (with Ichinose), Death Zone (with Endou and Domon, which later evolved to Death Zone 2), Killer Fields with Fudou and Emperor Penguin No.3 [which is currently G3] with Sakuma and Fudou. Kidou does the hissatsu shoot with Fubuki and Hiroto; called Big Bang. He Graduates from Raimon after FFI. He has a character song named "Hitomi no Naka no Shouri" (The Victory Within the Eyes). He is voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino.
  • Shirō Fubuki (吹雪 士郎?) (Shawn Frost) (Defender, Forward) - Fubuki Shirou is the captain of Hakuren (Alpine) Junior High School's Soccer club in Hokkaido. He is both an excellent defender as well as the team's ace striker. He joins the Raimon Eleven during their visit to Hokkaido in order to defeat Aliea (Alius) Academy. Due to a terrible accident with an avalanche as a child, Fubuki is morbidly afraid of the sound of falling snow. His parents and little brother Atsuya (Aidan) were unfortunately killed in the avalanche, but saved Fubuki at the last moment by pushing him out of the car. Since the accident, Fubuki developed a split personality of his brother whenever he plays offense during Soccer matches. He wanted to become a perfect Soccer player and believed that he could only do so if he "became" his brother (his father's comments right before the avalanche accident led him to believe this). With Gouenji and the others' help, he realized that what his father meant was that he could be perfect only if he played alongside his teammates. Soon, he broke free from both his trauma and his twin brother's personality, merging himself and his brother's spirit as one thus growing stronger as well. His special techniques include the Eternal Blizzard, Wolf Legend (Legendary Wolf), Ice Ground (Land Of Ice), and Snow Angel. He can also do combination techniques such as Crossfire with Gouenji(which later evolves into Crossfire Kai (Crossfire Remastered), Thunder Beast with Hijikata, Wyvern Blizzard with Someoka and The Hurricane with Kazemaru. Later Fubuki becomes a member of Inazuma Japan for the FFI. However his leg is badly injured in a match with Korea's Fire Dragon during the Asia finals. Due to this injury, he is taken off the team. He eventually returns after his injuries are healed to replace the then injured Kurimatsu. He does a new combination technique with Hiroto called The Birth against Brazil's team the Kingdom. Fubuki does the hissatsu shoot with Hiroto and Kidou, called Big Bang. He has a character song named "Ice Road". He is voiced by Mamoru Miyano.
  • Ichirōta Kazemaru (風丸 一郎太?) (Nathan Swift) (Defender, Midfielder) - Kazemaru is the fastest player on the Raimon Eleven soccer team and has brown eyes and blue hair held back with a ponytail, with long bangs covering side of his face. He also acts as the team's side captain outside the game. Originally a member of the track club team, Kazemaru is convinced by Endou to play on the soccer team for their match against Teikoku. Kazemaru is finally convinced by the promise of fighting a lot of stronger players, as well as Endou's fighting spirit when he bares witness to the goalkeeper's intense training. From their on, Kazemaru becomes a close friend to Endou and a key player for the Raimon soccer team. Later on, during the constant battles against Aliea (Alius) Academy, Kazemaru begins to doubt himself and gains a thirst for power to defeat Raimon's strongest opponents. For a brief while, he leaves the team but later resurfaces in "Dark Emporers", or a team that challenges Endou for becoming the top players. The Aliea (Alius) Rock gives him power. It is broken by Endou's God Hand, and he later returns to the team in the FFI arc. His special techniques are the Shippu Dash (Flurry Dash), Bushin Defense (Clone Defense) (with the power of the Alius rock), Dark Phoenix (with the power of Alius rock), Banana Shoot (Hissatsu Tactic), Fuujin no Mai (Dance of the Wind God), Honoo no Kazamidori (Fire Rooster) in combination with Goenji, Tatsumaki Otoshi (Tornado Fallen) with Kabeyama and The Hurricane with Fubuki. He Graduates from Raimon after FFI. He has a character song named "Mai Agare!" (Let It Soar!). He is voiced by Yuka Nishigaki.
  • Heigorō Kabeyama (壁山 塀吾郎?) (Jack Wallside) (Defender) - The large, sheepish Defender of the Raimon Eleven and one of the original members of the Soccer club. Despite his shy nature and constantly having to go to the bathroom at crucial moments, Kabeyama cares very much about the Raimon team and strives to become a powerful defender. In tough times, Endou helps Kabeyama overcome his fears, causing him to hold great respect for his captain. In the match against Nosei (Wild) Junior High he and Gouenji perform a move called the Inazuma Otoshi (Inazuma Drop) and a combination of the two called Inazuma Ichigo Otoshi (Inazuma-1 Drop). Later he masters a defensive technique on his own, The Wall. Later on, during a match with Fire Dragon from Korea he creates an upgraded defensive technique called The Mountain. He is voiced by Megumi Tano.
  • Ryūgo Someoka (染岡 竜吾?) (Kevin Dragonfly) (Forward) - Someoka is the grumpy self-proclaimed "original" ace striker of the team Raimon Soccer club. Because of this pride he holds, Someoka has trouble getting along with the likes of Gouenji and Fubuki, who later both join the Raimon Eleven as his fellow ace strikers. Thanks to Endou's words of support, Someoka eventually learns to accept the other newcomers to the team and even develops some combination techniques with him, but hurts his leg and is removed. He resurfaces in Dark Emperors, and Fubuki helps him realize who he was, as well as Endou's God Hand. He later returns in the FFI arc. His special techniques are the Dragon Crash, Wyvern Crash and the Dragon Slayer, and his combination techniques are Dragon Tornado with Gouenji and Wyvern Blizzard with Fubuki, which he suffers an injury from while developing and is forced to leave the team behind for a short while. He Graduates from Raimon after FFI. He is voiced by Yasuyuki Kase.
  • Asuka Domon (土門 飛鳥?) (Bobby Shearer) (Defender) - A tall, lanky Defensive player who grew up in America as a child with his friends Aki and Ichinose. He stopped playing Soccer early on due to a car accident with Ichinose, but picked up the game again after moving to Japan as a teenager. Originally, Domon works as a spy for Teikoku Academy under orders from Kageyama to keep tabs on the up and coming Raimon Eleven soccer team. After an incident with the team's first coach being revealed as a spy, Domon comes clean and is quick to leave, but Endou defends him and keeps Domon on the Raimon Eleven from there on out. Eventually, Domon takes his leave and comes home to America where he joins the national soccer team "The Unicorn" alongside Ichinose. His special techniques are the Killer Slide(which later evolves into Shin Killer Slide (True Killer Slide) and Volcano Cut, while his combination techniques are Death Zone 2 with Endou and Kidou, The Phoenix with Endou and Ichinose and The Icarus with Mark in the FFI arc. He is voiced by Jun Konno.
  • Kazuya Ichinose (一之瀬 一哉?) (Eric Eagle) (Midfielder) - Ichinose a Japanese-American who grew up in the US with his childhood friends Domon and Aki. As an Elementary schooler Ichinose was already a well-known soccer player until the day of a horrible car accident that hospitalized him for several years. Aki and Domon later moved to Japan under the impression that Ichinose had died, but through rehabilitation treatment, he was healed and went to Japan to visit his old friends. On his first day there, he plays against the Raimon Eleven and is soon invited by Endou to join their team for the Football Frontier matches. Later on, after the defeat of Aliea (Alius) Academy, Ichinose moves back to America and joins the national team "The Unicorn" alongside Domon. He enters the Football Frontier International and finally gets to play his desired match against Endou and his team. However, during the match, Endou, Domon, and Aki learn that Ichinose must soon receive another surgery procedure because of his injuries from the car accident years ago still affecting his body. Afterward, Ichinose is forced to fly back to America and get treatment. His special techniques include the Spinning Shot, Spiral Shot, Pegasus Shot and Flame Dance. His combination techniques are the Tri-Pegasus with Endou and Domon which later evolves into The Phoenix, Twin Boost with Kidou and later shares the move Gran Fenrir with Dylan and Mark. He is voiced by Yūki Kaji.
  • Jin Kageno (影野 仁?) (Jim Wraith) (Defender) - Kageno is a tall, dark and soft-spoken boy who joins the Raimon Eleven when Endou is out looking for new players. His reasons for joining were to "prove his existence" to people through joining an after-school activity. He has a strange aura surrounding him and a deep, echoing voice that disturbs even his teammates. Kageno turns out to be a valuable asset to the team, especially when developing special techniques, including his help lent to Kazemaru and Gouenji while mastering the Honoo no Kazamidori (Fire Rooster). His individual techniques include Coil Turn and he does a technique with Sugimori from Brainwashing Academy called Dual Smash (with the power of Alius rock). He graduates from Raimon after FFI. He is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura.
  • Ayumu "Shōrin" Shōrinji (少林寺 歩?) (Tim "Timmy" Sanders) (Defender) - One of Endou's teammates from the original Raimon Eleven and one of the shortest out of the team. He practices Shaolin Kung-Fu and incorporates his martial arts and agility into his soccer moves. His special techniques are Kung Fu Header and Whirlwind Twister. He is voiced by Masako Jō.
  • Shin'ichi Handa (半田 真一?) (Steve Grim) (Midfielder) - Another of Endou's teammates from the members of the soccer club, acting as both a Defender and a Midfielder depending on what the situation calls for. He is the most "plain" of the group, usually having the least to say during the story, but is always ready for a match. His special technique is Rolling Kick. He is voiced by Hiro Shimono.
  • Sakichi Shishido (宍戸 佐吉?) (Sam Kincaid) (Midfielder) - Shishido is another one of Endou's teammates from the original Raimon soccer club. He has a large, red afro and lots of spirit. Shishido is versatile when it comes to playing soccer and often does little of everything. His special technique is called Grenade Shot. He is voiced by Tōru Nara.
  • Kūsuke "Max" Matsuno (松野 空介?) (Maxwell "Max" Carson) (Midfielder) - Max is a boy who attends Raimon Junior High and meets Endou while looking for new members to join the soccer club. He claims to join the team at first merely as a way to "cure his boredom" but turns out to enjoy the sport and stays with the team all the way to the Football Frontier. He's never seen without his trademark striped plush hat with cat ears. His individual special moves are: Cross Drive, Quick Draw. He also knew a combination move together with Handa called Revolution V (with the power of the Alius rock). He is voiced by Yūki Kodaira.
  • Teppei Kurimatsu (栗松 鉄平?) (Tod Ironside) (Defender) - Kurimatsu is another one of the original members of the Raimon soccer club, a short, buck-toothed boy with a speech quirk, often saying "deyansu" ("actually") in every sentence. Though often one with a negative attitude and a shaky disposition, Kurimatsu is a skilled soccer player and has remained with the Raimon Eleven for quite a while. His special techniques are Dash Accelerator and Maboroshi Dribble (Deceptor Dribble) Together with Shishido and Kazemaru he had a combination move called Triple Boost He becomes the new captain of Raimon junior high in the end after the graduation of Endou, Goenji, Kidou and others. (with the power of the Alius rock). He is voiced by Miho Hino.
  • Kakeru Megane (目金 欠流?) (William "Willy" Glass) (Forward, Manager) - Megane is a bespectacled pretentious boy who attends Raimon Junior High, who offers to join the soccer club by Endou's request, but only in the event of them needing one last member, so he feels he can be the "hero" that saves the day at the last second. During the match against Teikoku Academy, he shows his true colors and runs off in the middle of the game and abandons his uniform, but allows for Gouenji to take his place and pull Raimon out of the fire. With Gouenji officially on board, Megane joins the team permanently and plays alongside Raimon for quite a while. His running joke throughout the series becomes the self-appointed name-giver of the Raimon Eleven, giving cool titles to all of the player's special techniques. Later, during the Football Frontier International, he becomes a manager alongside Aki, Haruna and Fuyuka. Funnily enough, he also has a younger, sportier twin brother named Kazuto who, while better at sports than him, is very emotional. He is voiced by Nanae Katō.
  • Keita Kakuma (角馬 圭太?) (Chester Hobbes Jr.) (Commentator) - A student at Raimon Junior High originally from the Shogi Club who became the commentator for the Soccer Club ever since the exhibition match between Teikoku and Raimon. Kakuma also has a habit of appearing randomly anywhere before a match starts, claiming he is such a big fan of the Raimon Eleven that he go anywhere to commentate on their matches. His father is a commentator for the Football Frontier and the Football Frontier International Asian Preliminaries. He is voiced by Kiyotaka Furushima.
  • Aki Kino (木野 秋?) (Silvia Woods) (Manager) - Aki is a young girl from America who moves to Japan and attends Raimon Junior High, where she becomes good friends with the soccer club captain, Mamoru Endou. Since the beginning of the soccer club, Aki acts as the team manager and keeps the boys in order. She's a big supporter of Endou's spirit and even shows a hint of interest in the captain. It's later revealed that she played soccer a little girl in the US, but gave up the game after her childhood friend Ichinose was in a horrible car accident. She also meets her other childhood friend, Domon. When Ichinose appears in Japan and joins the Raimon Eleven team, she sees remarkable similarities in both him and Endou. She also has a crush on Endou. She is seen in Inazuma Eleven GO, being the landlady of an apartment complex where Tenma lives. It is implied in episode 3 [of Inazuma Eleven GO] that she has been receiving long-distance phone calls from America, further implying that she is in a relationship with Kazuya Ichinose. She is voiced by Fumiko Orikasa.
  • Haruna Otonashi (音無 春奈?) (Celia Hills) (Manager) - Haruna is a cute, peppy girl with red-framed glasses and short hair who works for the Raimon Junior High newspaper. After interviewing Endou and Aki for their first big match against Teikoku Academy, Haruna becomes such a big fan that she enlists herself as a second manager alongside Aki. It's later revealed she is the sister of Teikoku soccer team's captain, Yuuto Kido, but hasn't had any contact with him for 6 years until he resurfaces as Raimon's biggest rival. After the rematch between Raimon and Teikoku, Kidou is freed from Kageyama's influence and Haruna is reunited with her brother. Later on, she also acts as a motherly figure towards Kogure, relating to his absence of parents from a very young age. She is also kidnapped after she wears a bracelet given to her by Rika.(Sue) However after her brother rescues her by playing a match and winning she escapes. In Inazuma Eleven GO she is a teacher and assistant to the Raimon Soccer Club. She is the assistant manager of the soccer team. She is voiced by Hinako Sasaki.
  • Natsumi Raimon (雷門 夏未?) (Nelly Raimon) (Manager) - Natsumi is a beautiful red-haired upper-class girl and the school president of Raimon Junior High. She is the daughter of the School Chairman, Yuuichiro Raimon and will often "speak for him" while dealing with the principal and vice principal of Raimon Junior High. At first, she seems very much against the Raimon soccer club and is dead-set on disbanding it, often setting challenges for them to overcome with the threat of being shut down if they fail. After a few matches, Natsumi sees major potential in their team and becomes the third manager after Aki and Haruna. She also shows a hint of interest in Mamoru Endou . Later on it is revealed that she becomes Little Gigant's manager, because she realizes she is no longer needed by Inazuma Japan. However, after a match between Team Garshield and Inazuma Japan, she returns as manager. She is voiced by Sanae Kobayashi.
  • Fuyuka "Fuyuppe" Kudō (久遠 冬花?) (Camelia) (Manager) - A young girl who transfers to Raimon Junior High after the defeat of Aliea (Alius) Academy, by way of her adoptive father, Michiya Kudou. After Natsumi travels overseas, claiming to be studying abroad, Aki and Haruna had brought Fuyuka into the fold and taught her the ropes of being a manager for the Raimon soccer team. As a little girl, Fuyuka was close friend of Endou's in Elementary school. But her parents were killed in a car accident, leaving Fuyuka as the only survivor and put into a tremendous state of shock. Eventually, the hospital put her under hypno-therapy to wipe her memories clean and place Kudou as her new father. Knowing Endou was a childhood friend of hers, Kudou becomes the new coach of the Inazuma Japan national team and hopes that Endou will bring out the secrets of Fuyuka's past. She later remembers her past and find out she's happy how she is. She is voiced by Haruka Tomatsu.
  • Seigō Hibiki (響木 正剛?) (Seymour Hillman) (Coach, Goalkeeper) - Hibiki is an old noodle-cooker who runs a ramen shop in Inazuma Town. Previously, he was the goalkeeper of the original Inazuma Eleven and a close friend of Mamoru Endou's grandfather, Daisuke Endou. After the Raimon Eleven's previous coach, Suguru Fuyukai was revealed to be a spy working for Kageyama to sabotage their rival team, Natsumi fires the fraud and the team becomes in need of a coach for the Football Frontier. Through some persistence by Endou, Hibiki eventually gives in and becomes the Raimon Eleven's go-to coach. Later on, Hibiki hands over the reigns to Hitomiko Kira and then Michiya Kudou as his replacements, partially due to his old age, but more so to present new challenges for the Raimon team and better prepare them for fiercer competitions, including the Football Frontier International. He is voiced by Kinryū Arimoto.
  • Hitomiko Kira (吉良 瞳子?) (Lina Schiller) (Coach) - Hitomiko is a cold, professional woman who takes over as coach for the Raimon Eleven during the attack of Aliea (Alius) Academy, of which she is obsessed with stopping. Her goal is to prevent any further harm by the Aliea (Alius) soccer teams wreaking havoc on Japan, so Coach Hibiki enlists her as his replacement and Hitomiko becomes the head of the Inazuma Caravan. She is incredibly strict and to the point with Endou's team, but the captain seems to understand her feelings and obeys her decisions throughout their travels across the country. It is later revealed that her goal of stopping Aliea (Alius) Academy ties back to her father, who is responsible for the attacks and commander of the Aliea (Alius) teams. After the defeat of Aliea (Alius) Academy and the players of the teams are freed from her father's influence, Hitomiko vanishes and Hibiki is given back coaching duties for the Raimon Eleven. Later on, Hitomiko is approached by former Aliea (Alius) Academy player Osamu Saginuma, to form a new team that will take over as Japan's representatives in the upcoming Football Frontier International. This newly-formed team with Hitomiko as the coach becomes "Neo Japan". She is voiced by Junko Kitanishi.
  • Daisuke Endō (円堂 大介?) (David Evans) (Supporter, Goalkeeper) - Mamoru Endou's Soccer-Superstar grandfather. Years ago, he was a member of the original "Inazuma Eleven" soccer team and then acted as the coach for the Raimon Junior High soccer club. He was thought to have been killed in a car accident set up by his vengeful rival, Reiji Kageyama, but upon inspection of the incident, turns out to have escaped from his life. With his daughter's family in danger of Kageyama's attacks, Endou leaves the country under the guise of being dead, but is discovered to be residing somewhere on Soccer Island where the Football Frontier International is being held. It is later revealed that Garshield was the one who wanted him to die so that he could control the world and controlled Kageyama to kill him. He is voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino.
  • Kudou Michiya (久遠道也?) (Coach Travis) (Coach)- He is the new coach of Inazuma Japan from season 3 onwards in the FFI tournament. He put Endou on bench in the march versus Fire Dragon due to him not understanding his responsibilities as a captain. he is mostly strict when it comes to the team but very caring. He is the adoptive father of Ono Fuyuka. He is responsible for guiding inazuma Japan to victory in the FFI. Ten years later, he is the coach of the Raimon Eleven.
  • Terumi "Aphrodi" Afuro (亜風炉 照美?) (Byron "Aphrodite" Love) (Forward) - Aphrodi and the former captain of Zeus Junior High, a team that Raimon Eleven faced in the Soccer Frontier final. At first Aphrodi and his team are shown to be under the control of Kageyama, drinking a tainted water called "Aqua of the Gods" that greatly increases the physical ability of the drinker. Endou's team manages to defeat the Zeus soccer team in the final match and opens Aphrodi's eyes to the truth, breaking him away from Kageyama's control. Later, he joins the Raimon Eleven in their matches against the various teams of Aliea (Alius) Academy, helping them out a great deal against their strongest opponents, until he suffers a leg injury and is hospitalized until after Aliea (Alius) Academy's defeat. Afterward, he joins the Korean national team "Fire Dragon" and played against Inazuma Japan in the Finals of the Asian Preliminaries. His techniques include God Knows (later evolved to True God Knows), Heaven’s Time and God Break. He also has a combination technique with Suzuno and Nagumo called Chaos Break. He is voiced by Yūko Sanpei.
  • Tōko Zaizen (財前 塔子?) (Victoria "Tori" Vanguard) (Defender, Midfielder) - Touko is a peppy, pink-haired girl and the daughter of Japan's Prime Minister, Sousuke Zaizen. She's a huge fan of all things including soccer and is captain of the "Eleven In Black" (Secret Service) secret agent team. During the threat of Aliea (Alius) Academy, her team is called into investigate the cause. Touko and the Eleven In Black run into the Inazuma Caravan and suspect Endou and his crew of being with the Aliea (Alius) teams. An incredible match takes place and Touko, attracted to Endou's spirit and love of the game, joins the Inazuma Caravan in their efforts to stop Aliea (Alius) Academy's destructive crusade. Her special technique is The Tower and later develops a combination technique with Kogure and Tsunami called the Perfect Tower. She is voiced by Ayahi Takagaki.
  • Yūya Kogure (木暮 夕弥?) (Scotty "Sneaky Scotty" Vanian) (Defender) - Kogure is a short, cheeky troublemaker from Manyuuji (Cloister) Junior High in Kyoto. He's a talented soccer player, but was often kicked out of the team due to his prankster habits and lack of trust towards his teammates. The Inazuma Caravan visits his school during their travels and the Aliea (Alius) Academy team "Epsilon" threatens to destroy Manyuuji if they can't defeat them. After some interaction with Haruna and rethinking his attitude, Kogure wishes to join the Raimon team and help them defeat Aliea (Alius) Academy. He stows away on the caravan and becomes a longtime member of the team, using his impressive agility and capoeira skills during the game. Kogure's most noted technique is Senpuujin (Whirlwind Force), later does a technique with Touko and Tsunami called The Perfect Tower. He is voiced by Nami Miyahara.
  • Rika Urabe (浦部 リカ?) (Suzette "Sue" Heartland) (Forward) - Rika is dark-skinned, blue-haired sassy girl and the captain of an all girl's Soccer team in Osaka called Triple C. She works at an Okonomiyaki restaurant with her mother and first appears when the Raimon Caravan comes to Osaka believing that Aliea (Alius) Academy had a hidden base somewhere in a local amusement park. Rika, visiting the park at the time, comes across Ichinose and immediately falls head-over-heels for him, claiming him to be her "Darling" husband after he eats her "Lovey-Dovey-Dish" which was just a simple Okonomiyaki that she made. After defeating her team and reclaiming Ichinose, she joined the Inazuma Caravan to help them against their second match with the Aliea (Alius) Academy team, Epsilon. After their match with Epsilon, Rika decides to stay on the team hoping to be with Ichinose. Her techniques include Rose Splash (Bed Of Roses) and Tsutenkaku Shoot (Steeple Shot) and later does a combination technique with Touko called Butterfly Dream (Butterfly Trance). She joins Touko on cheering for the Raimon team during the FFI Asia Preliminaries and eventually comes to visit Soccer Island to see the main tournament. She is voiced by Fujiko Takimoto.
  • Yūki Tachimukai (立向居 勇気?) (Darren Charles) (Midfielder, Goalkeeper) - Tachimukai is a young boy from Yokato (Fauxshore) Junior High in Fukuoka. Originally a midfielder for his school's soccer team, he eventually switches to being a Goalkeeper due to his admiration and deep respect for Endou. While visiting his school, Tachimukai asks to join the Inazuma Caravan and help them defeat Aliea (Alius) Academy. Like Endou, Tachimukai is a talented goalkeeper and learns many of the same special techniques as his idols, including God Hand and Majin the Hand. He later learns an ultimate technique from Endou's notebook called Mugen the Hand which evolves to grade 2, 3 and then 4 all in the same match against The Genesis and later develops his own technique, Maou the Hand. He is voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana.
  • Jōsuke Tsunami (綱海 条介?) (Harley Kane) (Defender) - Tsunami is a cool, sun-tanned teenager from Okinawa who loves surfing more than anything. While visiting Okinawa, Endou and the team meet Tsunami while he's surfing and saves Megane from drowning after he accidentally went overboard on the boat they were on. They come across Tsunami again while practicing and he decides to join in on the game just for fun. He proves to be an excellent player and shocks the crew when he reveals that he's never played soccer before. While practicing with Endou's team, he creates a special technique and felt a sudden devotion to the sport. He immediately joins the Omihara (Mary Times) Junior High Soccer club to develop his skills even more. Tsunami's team plays a practice match with the Inazuma Caravan team only to be interrupted by Team Epsilon of Aliea (Alius) Academy. He joined the team to help with their match against Team Epsilon and from then on stays with the team to help them defeat Aliea (Alius) Academy. Tsunami's special techniques are Tsunami Boost, The Typhoon and The Tube (Hissatsu Tactic). He also learns a combination technique with Kogure and Touko called The Perfect Tower. He is voiced by Shūhei Sakaguchi.
  • Toramaru Utsunomiya (宇都宮 虎丸?) (Austin Hooks) (Midfielder, Forward) - Toramaru is an Elementary School student and the best soccer player in his district. Because of his young age, he is exempt from joining the Football Frontier and playing professionally, but later is brought in by Coach Hibiki to join Japan's national team, "Inazuma Japan". During the day, Toramaru helps part time at his sickly mother's restaurant, making deliveries all day long that cut into his Soccer practice. When he's chosen to represent Japan for the Football Frontier International, he becomes a valuable player for Endou and his friends. He especially looks up to Gouenji, and eventually Tobitaka as role models. His special techniques are Gladius Arch, Tiger Drive and RC Shoot. He does a combination technique with Gouenji called Tiger Storm and another combination technique with both Gouenji and Hiroto called Grand Fire [which is currently G2]. He does Jet Stream with Endou and Gouenji, scoring the winning point against Little Gigant. He Joins Raimon Junior High as a Forward after the FFI. He is voiced by Rie Kugimiya.
  • Raiden Hijikata (土方 雷電?) (Thor Stawberg) (Defender) - A Junior High school student from Okinawa who is also a part of the local soccer club. He takes care of five younger siblings, and because of this, declines Endou's invitation to join Inazuma Caravan. He and Gouenji, who at the time has left the Raimon team, meet at Okinawa and become good friends. Hijikata convinces Gouenji to return to his teammates and eventually joins up with Raimon himself to help them defeat Aliea (Alius) Academy. Later, he is brought into the Inazuma Japan national team, so his siblings are left in the care of his neighbors. Hijikata is a talented defense player, his main technique being the Super Shikofumi (Super Four-Legged Stamp) , Blade Attack and Thunder Beast that later evolves to Thunder Beast Remastered in combination with Fubuki. He is voiced by Yakkun Sakurazuka.
  • Jirō Sakuma (佐久間 次郎?) (David Samford) (Forward) - Sakuma is a member of the original Teikoku Academy team and a close friend of Kidou. After Kidou leaves Teikoku and joins Raimon's team, he and Genda are hospitalized during a match with Zeus Junior High and are visited by the mysterious Akio Fudou, who convinces them to join a new soccer team. Bitter against Kidou for leaving his original team, Sakura accepts Fudou's offer and becomes part of the "Shin Teikoku" (Royal Academy Redux) soccer team, led by Kageyama. After a heated battle which ends in a tie, Sakuma collapses from overusing the dangerous "Emperor Penguin No.1" technique and is taken to the hospital again. However, before that, he apologizes to Kidou for taking things too far and they make peace, promising to play soccer together again sometime. After getting out of the hospital, Sakuma is invited to the FFI recruitment match and eventually goes to the islands with the rest of Raimon's team to represent Japan. He, Kidou and Fudou are shocked to find Kageyama there, and investigate what their old coach is up to. His techniques are the , Emperor Penguin No.1 a forbidden technique created by Kageyama, and his combination techniques are Death Zone and Emperor Penguin No.3 [which is now G3] with Kidou and Fudou. He is voiced by Megumi Tano.
  • Kōjirō Genda (源田 幸次郎?) (Joseph "Joe" King) (Goalkeeper) - Nicknamed "The King of Goalies", Genda is the longtime Goalkeeper of Teikoku Academy's soccer team. During the attacks of Aliea (Alius) Academy, Genda and his teammate Sakuma are invited to become part of Shin Teikoku Academy's (Royal Academy Redux's) soccer team and is brought back under the influence of Kageyama. After the match, Genda is returned to normal and eventually became the goalkeeper for Neo Japan, to claim the national team spot for the Football Frontier International. His special techniques are Power Shield Which evolves to Full Power Shield, Full Power Shield, Beast Fang which is a forbidden technique, Drill Smasher V2 and True Infinite Wall. He is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura.
  • Hiroto Kiyama (基山 ヒロト?) (Xavier Hunter) (Midfielder, Forward) - Hiroto is the captain of Aliea (Alius) Academy's strongest team, Gaia (receiving the title "The Genesis") and reveals himself in secret to Endou. Going under the alien name "Gran (グラン?)", he becomes dead-set on crushing the Raimon soccer team. Though he wasn't inherently evil, Hiroto's devotion to his stepfather led him to become corrupt and carry out the orders of destruction under the guise of Aliea (Alius) Academy. After a climactic battle between the Raimon Eleven and The Genesis, Hiroto is freed from his stepfather's influence and returns to a normal life for a brief while. He is invited to join the national team, "Inazuma Japan" and from there on works alongside his former rivals for the Football Frontier Internationals. His signature technique is the Ryuusei Blade (Meteor Blade) and he also performs a combination technique with Goenji and Toramaru called Grand Fire [which is currently G2]. He does a new combination technique with Fubuki called The Birth against Brazil's team the Kingdom and now Tengkuu Otoshi (Sky Drop). Hiroto does the hissatsu shoot with Kidou and Fubuki, called Big Bang. He is voiced by Takahiro Mizushima.He has a character song named "Star Line"
  • Haruya Nagumo (南雲 晴矢?) (Claude Beacons) (Forward) - Haruya or Burn (バーン?) as he is called while working under Aliea (Alius) Academy, is a rebellious and fearless player with fiery red hair. He is the captain and ace striker of the Aliea (Alius) Academy Soccer team "Prominence". He has a strong hatred towards Gran because of their rank differences. Haruya first appeared in Okinawa when the Inazuma Caravan were searching for someone called the "Fire Striker" in which Endou and Kidou thought might be their missing friend Gouenji. He confronts Domon and Fubuki claiming to be the Fire Striker and challenges the team to a match to prove it. After the match, Endou nearly invites Burn to join their team, until Gran interrupts the offer and reveals Burn's true identity. When he and Gazelle (the team captain of "Diamond Dust") heard about Gran's team promotion to be the captain of Aliea's (Alius') strongest team "The Genesis", Gazelle and Burn combine their players forming a new team "The Chaos", hoping to show their leader who's stronger. During the preparation for the Football Frontier International, Haruya and Fūsuke are scouted by Aphrodi to join South Korea's national team, "Fire Dragon". Haruya's main technique is the Atomic Flare, a combo technique with Fūsuke called Fire Blizzard and a technique later with Fūsuke and Aphrodi called Chaos Break. He is voiced by Kiyotaka Furushima.
  • Fūsuke Suzuno (涼野 風介?) (Bryce Withingale) (Forward) - Fūsuke is a calm and arrogant player from Aliea (Alius) Academy and is the team captain and ace striker of "Diamond Dust", going under the name of Gazelle (ガゼル?). He seems to be intrigued by Endou's Soccer-playing skills and challenges him to one match. However, Fūsuke's team fails to score a victory thanks to Aphrodi's assistance to the Inazuma Caravan, and the match ends in a draw. Angered by what considers to be a loss, Gazelle convinces his rival Aliea (Alius) captain Burn to join forces and create a new team, "The Chaos", which challenges the Raimon team but is stopped by Gran's interruption. During the Football Frontier International, Fūsuke is invited to the South Korea team, "Fire Dragon" to compete against Inazuma Japan. His main technique is Northern Impact and later does a combo technique with Haruya called Fire Blizzard as well as a technique with both Haruya and Aphrodi called Chaos Break. He is voiced by Fujiko Takimoto.
  • Ryūji Midorikawa (緑川 リュウジ?) (Jordan Greenway) (Midfielder, Forward) - Midorikawa was once part of Aliea (Alius) Academy's 2nd rank team, "Gemini Storm", going under his alien name, Reize (レーゼ?). He leads his team to crush Junior High Schools all across the country by way of destructive Soccer competitions, but is eventually defeated by the Raimon soccer team. After the defeat of Aliea (Alius) Academy, Reize is returned to his original self, Ryūji. He speaks in famous quotes both under the guise of an alien and in his normal personality. He makes the cut to join Inazuma Japan for the Football Frontier International and becomes a longtime player for Endou and company. However he was later dropped out, along with Fubuki, who injured his leg and they were replaced by Someoka and Sakuma. His special techniques are Astro Break and Lightning Sprint. He is voiced by Yuki Kodaira.
  • Osamu Saginuma (砂木沼 治?) (Devolin) (Goalkeeper, Forward, Midfielder) - Saginuma, whose alien name is Dezarm (デザーム?), was the captain of Aliea (Alius) Academy's team "Epsilon". He and his team first appeared after the Raimon Eleven defeated Gemini Storm and Dezarm, as punishment "exiles" Reize and his team. Dezarm make their first stop at Manyūji Junior High school and crush the entire soccer team's players, with the exception of Yūya Kogure. The Raimon Eleven played against Epsilon with Kogure, who was able to steal the ball and make them retreat. Later at Osaka, Dezarm and his team tied with Rika Urabe and Raimon Eleven, then Diamond Dust appeared after they were defeated. Soon afterward, in Okinawa, Epsilon reappeared with newly awakened powers and going by the moniker "Epsilon Remastered" (Epsilon Plus). There, Dezarm reveals his ability as a forward player and manages to break through Endou's newly-awakened Fist of Justice technique. However, the victory is short lived as Gouenji emerges and aids the Raimon Eleven in the defeat of Epsilon Remastered. Long after the defeat of Aliea (Alius) Academy, Saginuma, who has now returned to his original self, reappears with a newly-formed team called "Neo Japan", led by Coach Hitomiko. He has switched positions again, this time becoming a midfielder. He shows that he has gotten stronger, through training with the other players, who hail from various teams Raimon have faced in the past. They play against Inazuma Japan in order to take their place in the Football Frontier International, but ultimately loses in their match. His techniques are Wormhole, Drill Smasher, Gungnir, Illusion Ball Remastered, Dash Storm V2 and God Knows Remastered. He is voiced by Takashi Hikida.
  • Seiya Tobitaka (飛鷹 征矢?) (Falco Starset) (Defender) - Tobitaka is a slick punk from Raimon Town who leads a street gang and often gets into fights. He made a name for himself with his powerful kick and is discovered by Hibiki in the woods in the midst of another rumble with a rival gang. Hibiki urges Tobitaka to make "better use of that kick" and begins to teach him how to play Soccer in secret. Tobitaka gets a shot at joining the country's national team, Inazuma Japan and manages to get a spot for himself on the team. Slowly but surely, he develops his skills and even becomes a role model of sorts to the young Toramaru. He's never seen without his trademark hair-comb. His special technique is the Shinkuuma (Hollow Demon) and later evolves into Shinkuuma V2 (Hollow Demon V2) . He is voiced by Nobuya Mine.
  • Akio Fudō (不動 明王?) (Caleb Stonewall) (Midfielder) - He is a player who once as a young boy was told to get stronger and more powerful by his mother. He however, misunderstood it and sided with Kageyama to create Shin Teikoku Academy (Royal Academy Redux). He later joins the good side and now plays in Inazuma Japan. His combination techniques include Killer Fields with Kidou, and Emperor Penguin No.3 [which is now G3] with Kidou and Sakuma. He was supposed to do Jet Stream with Gouenji and Toramaru, but was replaced by Endou. He is voiced by Yūki Kaji.
  • Edgar Valtinas (エドガー・バルチナス?) (Forward) - He is the captain of England's national team Knights of Queen. His moves are Excalibur and Paladin Strike. He is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita.
  • Teres Torue (テレス・トルーエ?) (Defender) - He's the captain of Argentina's national team The Empire. His main technique is Iron Wall. He is voiced by Junji Majima.
  • Mark Kruger (マーク・クルーガー?) (Midfielder) - He is captain of America's national team Unicorn. He shares the move Gran Fenrir with Ichinose and Dylan, Unicorn Boost with Dylan only, and does The Icarus with Domon. He is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura.
  • Dylan Keith (ディラン・キース?) (Forward) - He's the ace striker of America's national team Unicorn. Dylan is always seen wearing a set of blue glasses that he never takes off and is never seen without Mark. He does a combination technique with Mark called Unicorn Boost and with both Mark and Ichinose called Gran Fenrir. He is voiced by Chihiro Suzuki.
  • Fidio Aldena (フィディオ・アルデナ?) (Forward) - He is the stand-in-captain of Italy's national team Orpheus while their original captain was traveling during the Football Frontier International. When their captain came back in the second half of the match between Italy and Japan in A Group's finals, Fidio was removed from the captain's position and went back to being a forward. He is nicknamed the White Meteor due to his incredible speed. His main technique is Odin Sword, which later evolves into Odin Sword Kai (Odin Sword Remastered) and further evolves into Shin Odin Sword (True Odin Sword) in the same match. He is voiced by Hiro Shimono.
  • Hidetoshi Nakata (中田 英寿?) (Forward) - Nicknamed Hide by his fellow players, he is the captain of Italy's national team Orpheus. He returns to his team during the 2nd half of Italy'sm atch with Inazuma Japan and his special technique is the Brave Shot. Hide is based on a real Soccer player from Japan, Hidetoshi Nakata, who is now retired. He is voiced by Hiroshi Tsuchida.
  • Mac Roniejo (Forward) - He is the captain of Brazil's national team The Kingdom, who is influenced by a mysterious project headed by Garshield that turns him into a ruthless soccer player at the sound of a whistle. His family is put in danger by Garshield's evil plans and strives to win the Football Frontier International in order to protect them. His signature technique is the Strike Samba [which reached V3].
  • Rococo Urupa (ロココ・ウルパ?) (Goalkeeper) - He is the captain of the Cotarl team, Little Giganto. He trains under Endou Daisuke, the grandfather of Endou Mamoru. His moves are God Hand X, X Blast [which is now V3] and Tamashii the Hand [which evolved into G2]. He is voiced by Yuki Kaida.
  • Sain (Forward) - He is the Captain of Heavenly Messengers team and first appears during a practice match between Inazuma Japan and the Captains of various FFI teams, in order to kidnap Rika. Sein's team of angelic Soccer players believe that the great demon king of Liocott Island must be given a wife in order to soothe his rage, so the Heavenly Messengers stake Rika as the prize of a match with Endou and his friends. After their defeat, he and Endou come to an understanding, until Desuta brings Sein under his influence and the angel and devil teams become "Dark Angel". His special techniques are Heaven Drive and later Shadow Ray, which he shares with Desuta. He is voiced by Yuki Kaida.
  • Desuta (Forward) - He is the captain Of Hell Corps Z and first appears during a practice match between Inazuma Japan and the Captains of various FFI teams, in order to kidnap Haruna. Desuta's team of devilish Soccer players believe that the great demon king of Liocott Island must be given a sacrifice to be awoken and lead them all to conquest, so the Hell Corps stake Haruna as the prize of a match with Kidou and his friends. Kidou's team is victorious, but Desuta escapes and forms the "Dark Angel" team with select member's of the Heavenly Messengers, including Sein. Together they play against Endou and company, ultimately losing and voids the coming of the great demon king. His moves are Dark Matter and later Shadow Ray, which he shares with Sain.
  • Reiji Kageyama (Ray Dark) - Kageyama is a powerful and dangerous man in the Soccer community, being one of the founders of the Football Frontier and a supposed lover of the sport...however, he is truly bitter against everything Soccer stands for. His father, once a great Soccer player himself, died when Kageyama was still a child and devastated him. Since then, he swore vengeance on Soccer and strove to ruin the sport forever with his evil plan, "Project Z". He eventually became the "commander" of Teikoku (Royal) Academy's Soccer team, using Yuuto Kidou as the captain after discovering him at an orphanage. Kageyama's strong and ruthless strategies push Teikoku Academy to the forefront of the Football Frontier, as they win year after year and leave a wake of destruction in their path, ripping apart any school that loses to a match with them. Kidou, who begins to go against Kageyama's ideals, finally turns his back on him during their match with Raimon, to which Kageyama tries to eliminate Teikoku and Raimon at once by way of a horrible accident. After the match, Kageyama leaves Teikoku and becomes the commander of Zeus Junior High's soccer team, finally making use of the dangerous Project Z on Aphrodi and the others. Kageyama disappears after the Football Frontier, but re-emerges as the commander of "Shin Teikoku Academy" (Royal Academy Redux) with Kidou's former teammates pitted against him. He disappears once again, then re-surfaces as the captain of Italy's Team, Orpheus, under the guise of "Mister K". He realizes he loves soccer through a little girl, Reshe, Fidio, and Kidou. He is later murdered by Garshied. He is voiced by Seiji Sasaki.
  • Bayhan Garshield - Garshield is a very dangerous man who is trying to take over the world using Soccer. He acts as the coach of Brazil's "The Kingdom" during the Football Frontier International and the true mastermind behind Kageyama's actions, as well as the stager of Daisuke Endou's supposed death. He fools the Brazilian team's fanbase into thinking he's promoting world peace through Soccer, but in fact he's revealed to not even be the true coach of the team at all. He uses Roneijo as the test subject for the RH Program", which hypnotizes him into an unstoppable Soccer player at the sound of a whistle. During the match between Inazuma Japan and The Kingdom, he's arrested by Detective Onigawara of the Japanese police and the true Coach of Brazil's team takes his rightful place. Later, Garshield escapes his arrest thanks to help of his assistant, Henktacker and uses a team of his own super-powered Soccer players to attack Liocott Island. Inazuma Japan defeats his team with some help from Daisuke Endou (Endou Mamoru's grandfather) and Natsumi and is arrested by the International Police.
  • Matsukaze Tenma- He is a Midfielder at the same time the protagonist in Inazuma Eleven GO. His hair pattern is in the form of swirls to indicate his affinity to the wind. He is not yet that good at soccer, yet he is good at dribbling, as shown in episode 2 of the sequel. But he shows great potential, as he stopped a Tsurugi's hissatsu shoot [Death Sword] without using a hissatsu technique himself. He has a dog named Sasuke. He was inspired to play soccer after Gouenji saved him from serious injury by kicking a soccer ball the same way as he does Fire Tornado and/or Bakunetsu Screw (without the visual effects), to change the trajectory of a wooden plank that was about to hit the then kid, Tenma.
Shindou Takuto- He is the captain of the Raimon team in Inazuma Eleven GO. His position is forward